Social quiz Flashcards
By 1914, the German population had grown by what percentage since 1871?
What percentage of Germans lived at or below the poverty line by the early 1900s?
What percentage of the German population was classed as urban in 1871?
What percentage of the German population were classed as urban in 1910?
What was true regarding German women in the early 1900s? (4)
- Peasant women tended to work in the fields alongside their husbands
- Women had no vote
- The SPD campaigned for the right of women to vote
- When a woman married, her property then belonged to her husband
When and what was the foundational organisation for women’s rights?
In 1894, the BDF organisation was founded to campaign for women’s rights.
What was true regarding the culture of militarism that existed in the Kaiserreich? (4)
- On Sedan Day, captured French guns from the 1870-71 war were paraded through Berlin
- Most taverns had a table for war veterans to reminisce about their army days
- All German men had to serve 2 or 3 years in the military
- All soldiers took an oath of loyalty to the Kaiser rather than the German state
How did the army size grow between 1890 and 1914?
There were 4M men in the army in 1914 - eight times what it had been in 1890
The Zabern Affair (1913) showed that …
The army could override civilian authority
In 1893, what did Chancellor Caprivi agreed to?
The Reichstag discussing the army budget every five years rather than every seven years
Real wages for working Germans between 1895 and 1913 …
increased by 25%
What was part of Bismarck’s State Socialism programme in the 1880s?
Medical Insurance
Accident Insurance
Old Age Pensions
Caprivi and Bulow both extended state welfare to…
Recognition of trade unions
Restrictions on child labour
A progressive income tax
A reduction in the maximum hours a woman could work to 11
Ban on Sunday working
In 1871, only 8 German towns had more than 100,000 inhabitants. By 1910, there were …..
By the 1890s, the average German worker worked … (compared to Britain)
Nearly two hours a day more than the average British worker
In comparison to the average British worker in the 1890s, German workers earned ….
A third less
How many cinema’s were there by 1910?
There were 100 cinemas by 1910 showing silent films
By October 1918, German women made up … of the total workforce
A third of the total workforce
During the winter of 1918-19 how many German’s died of starvation or malnutrition?
approx. 750,000 Germans
The supply of milk between 1914 and 1918 fell by … and … of children suffered from rickets
50% 40%
Which of the following groups were negatively hit by hyperinflation in 1923?
Unskilled workers
When were workers granted an 8 hour working day?
November 1918
By 1920, war victims’ benefits represented what percent of all government expenditure?
The extended unemployment insurance scheme (1927) was larger than … and covered … workers
Any other country, 17 million
The Unemployment scheme introduced in 19.., was paid for by …
1923, By both workers & employers
In 1920, how many women were elected to the Reichstag?
In the 1920s, Germany led the world in the development of…
Contraceptives including condoms & diaphragms
Abortion was first made legal in …
In the 1920s, approximately … of German doctors and … of lawyers were Jewish, even though German Jews represented less than 1% of the population
11%, 16%
Between 1924 and 1928, the military budget…
Increased by 75%
In 1926, the Reichstag passed a law ‘to protect youth …
from pornography
The artist George Grosz had been a … in January 1919
Spartacist (escaped)
George Grosz was fined in 1920 for …
defaming the army
State run radio broadcasts began in …
Hitler’s social policies were directed at creating a …
To symbolically bring workers and employers together, Hitler created the …
DAF (German Labour Front)
To encourage / force women into traditional roles, the Nazis … (4 things)
Made abortion illegal except for genetic reasons
Offered women allowances to give up employment
Established a ‘German Motherhood’ Cross (Medal)
Increased maternity benefits
Membership of the Hitler Youth became compulsory for Aryan boys in …
What was banned in the Nazi science curriculum?
Discoveries by Jewish scientists such as Einstein
By 1937, … of teachers belonged to the National Socialist Teachers’ League
95%, all were vetted before appointment
What was the Nazi charity to help less well-off members of the People’s Community called?
Who was appointed Reich Bishop in May 1933?
Ludwig Muller
What and when was the Concordat?
The deal struck with the Catholic Church to end its political role in Germany in July 1933
What was the Neo-Pagan organisation set up to replace Christianity in the long term called?
German faith movement
Who would be classed as asocial in the Nazi State?
An alcoholic
Someone with schizophrenia
A member of the Roma community
A juvenile criminal
When were the Nuremberg Laws against German Jews were introduced?
Kristallnacht took place in?
9th November 1938
The Madagascar Plan of … planned to …
July 1940, Force Jews to live in Madagascar
What was Goebbels responsible for (culture)?
The Reich Chamber of Culture
Which German composers had their music banned in Nazi Germany?
The Nazis’ anti-intellectual book burning took place in …
May 1933
A favoured Nazi sculpture of Aryan figures was …
Arno Breker
Questionnaire used by the Allies to root out major Nazi offenders after the war?
In 1946, tribunals were set up in the western sectors where ex-Nazi Party members could present testimonies of their good behaviour to get their old jobs back. What were the results?
90% exonerated in the British sector; just over half in the French sector and a third in the American zone
Percentage of West Germans in 1955 vs 1967 who thought Hitler would have been one of the greatest chancellors, had it not been for the war
28% to 32%
In 1962, how many West German states made teaching of the Nazi era compulsory in secondary schools?
In …, Chancellor Willy Brandt knelt before the …
1970, Warsaw Ghetto memorial
‘Holocaust’ the West German TV series in 1979 was watched by?
20 million (half the adult population) of the FRG
The average income of a West German household between 1950 and 1970 increased by …
In 1950, 30% of West Germans lived in communities of fewer than 2,000 inhabitants. By 1980, the figure was …
Germany won the Football World Cup in which years?
1964, 1974, 1990
In which year were the Olympic Games held in Munich?
In 1950, what fraction of West German households were headed by a widow or divorced female?
A third
By 1989, … of West German workers were women
Just over half
In 1960 to 1989, the average German woman had how many children?
2.4 to 1.4 (one of the lowest in Europe)
In …, the criminal code on abortion was liberalised and in … divorce was made easier
1976, 1977
When was the FRG voting age reduced from 21 to 18?
In 1955 to 1984, what percentage of young West Germans said they took their parents as role models?
16% to 3%
In 1950, there had been just over 100,000 university students in West Germany. By 1989, the figure was …
1 million
To improve educational opportunities, what did Willy Brandt’s government enact? (5 things)
- Increased teacher training provision
- Increased government spending on education by five times what it had been
- Grants to poorer families to continue their education
- Abolition of fees for higher education
- Grants for students to cover university living costs
Hafenstrasse in Hamburg became famous in the 1980s because it …
was occupied by squatters who defied the authorities
In what year was the Mogadishu hijacking incident?
In 1984, what percentage of West Germans were unemployed?
By the 1970s, the FRG had the … of theatres anywhere in the world.
greatest density
What was the book ‘Tin Drum’ by Gunter Grass about?
Life during and after the Nazi era
What newspapers, founded in 1952, became a popular tabloid?
By 1989, there were estimated to be how many members of extreme right wing groups in the FRG?
In …, the new reunified German Bundestag chose Berlin as the new capital. The capital of the FRG had been ……..?
1991, Bonn