book facts Flashcards
Germany started as the … nation with … people.
Germany started as the largest Western European Nation with 41 million people.
In the first election what percent of Reichstag votes did the National Liberals get?
What did the Bismarck’s first liberal coalition achieve?
- standard civil and criminal code
- gold standard established
- internal tariffs abolished
How many eligible voters turned out for the first election (March 1971)?
Just over 50%
How did the network rail change between 1871 and 1890?
It doubled, moving goods, raw material and people
When and what was the Septennates?
1874, a compromise between Bismarck and the Reichstag (National Liberals) where Bismarck’s unreasonable draft Eternal Law lead to (after threats of dissolving) it being reviewed every 7 years.
Why did Bismarck split from the liberals?
- they lost 30 seats in the election 1878 so a conservative majority could be formed
- desire to stop socialism which liberals might disagree with
- Protectionism vs free trade (tariffs)
What two papal issues lead to the Kulturkampf?
- Papal infallibility 1869-70
- Pius IX Syllabus of Errors 1864 denouncing liberalism
What laws/ events signified the start of the Kulturkampf?
Dec 1871 Pulpit paragraph
March 1872 School inspection Law
Summer 1872 expulled Jesuits
What did the May Laws 1873 do?
Subjected the church to state control. Clergymen needed degree, religious appointments reported, 1875 state funding removed, civil marriages
What were the political consequences of the Kulturkampf?
Centre party gained nearly 25% of votes in 1877 election (up from 18% in 1871). Too radical for conservatives.
Why did Bismarck stop the Kulturkampf?
- Catholics and conservatives increasing power while liberals declined
- tariffs needed CC support
- New pope in 1878 willing to reconcile
How did German geography help the initial economic boom?
Access to sea, direct borders, large deep rivers, flat plains, vast resources of iron ore coal and minerals, lots of fertile agricultural land
How much were French reparations?
5 billion Francs by 1875.
What did free market economy mean for the ‘Foundation boom’?
Almost no regulation so large monopolies, cartels and corporations (Deutsche Bank) formed
What was evidence of the investment of private money in industry?
Share prices rose by 50% on average
Consequence of Great panic of 1873?
Newly urban labourers became unemployed with an increase of poverty and squalor.
Between 1873 and 1913 wheat production…
grew by over 50%
German exports in machinery … between 1871 and 1913.
increased sixfold
German emigration to America … from the 1870s to the 1880s because of …
Nearly doubled, workers disillusionment and Catholic persecution
When and how did the SPD begin
Merge of SDAP and ADAV parties in 1875
How many votes (%) did the SPD have by 1877?
just over 9%
Why did Bismarck resign?
- Feb election (March resign) saw SPD the largest party in terms of popular vote with Centre party dominating seats (and refusing to revive alliance)
- Hostile Reichstag vs Kaiser wanting to dismiss him
What did Wilhelm II write in 1891?
The will of the king is the highest law
What did Wilhelm use to rule instead of constitutional structures?
A camarilla (Eulenburg, Bulow etc)
On average how much time did Wilhelm II spend in Berlin each year?
less than 100 days
How many inhabitants did Berlin have by 1905?
2 million
German industrial production … in the years 1895-1900
increased by a third
Exports … from … in 1880 to … in 1913
increased, 2.9 billion marks, 10.1 marks
What was the consequence of the 1907 depression?
319,000 unemployed which spiked again in 1913
How had agricultural prices changed by 1890?
They had fallen by 20%
How many members did the German Agrarian league have by 1913?
Why was the Pan-German group so influential?
Its theories of Social Darwinism and desire for imperial expansionism worked with the German Colonial society. Together they had influential members with money, media influence and members in parliament
What social reconciliation did Caprivi oversee?
The lapsing of the anti-socialist legislation, the allowing of polish in school
What did Caprivi do to demonstrate his conciliatory political style?
increased co-operation and debate between the Reichstag. Bundesrat, cabinet and civil service.
Why were the new conservatives of 1882 dangerous?
Extremist faction supporting monarchical structures, increasingly right-wing, anti-semitic and financially and politically backed by the Agrarian league (formed in 1893)
Why did Caprivi resign?
- His army reforms increase the size in exchange for reducing military service to 2 years triggers a coordinated campaign of the military elites against him
- response to growing socialism as Wilhelm wanted to suppress while Caprivi wanted to appease.
What was Hohelohe’s relationship with Wilhelm?
Utterly dependant as a ‘straw doll’ paid by Wilhelm’s patronage
What happened when Hohenlohe tried to introduce anti-socialist legislation?
Couldnt get them through the Reichstag in 1895 causing WIlhelm’s rage (martial law) and a political reshuffle and personal rule
What did the naval expansion begin with (Law)?
The First Naval Law of 1898
How many Naval Laws were passed?
Four, Third passed in 1906 adding 35% spending, Fourth causing budget crises.
In 1914 how many Dreadnoughts did Germany have compared to Britain?
17 to 29
What were the consequences of Flottenpolitik and Weltpolitik?
A small array of colonies and the second largest navy in the world in exchange for diplomatic isolation and looming economic catastrophe.
What was the theft in uniform?
1906 Voight used a second hand Captains uniform to gather soldiers and arrest mayor
Political consequence of Bulow’s 1902 tariffs?
‘Tariff election’ 1903 saw SPD gaining 31.7% (just over 30%) of the vote.
Why was the Bulow Block formed?
SPD lost almost half its seat due to lack of colonial support in 1906 leading to the first formal coalition where conservatives and liberals allied on the basis of Weltpolitik.