Social Psychology Flashcards
In causal attribution, the tendency for an observer to overestimate the effects of dispositional factors when making attributions about an actor’s behavior but to overestimate the effects of situational factors when making self-attributions.
Actor-Observer Bias
is the tendency to accept vague, general descriptions of oneself (e.g., a horoscope) as accurate.
Barnum Effect
is the tendency to underutilize or ignore relevant statistical (base rate) data and to rely, instead, on irrelevant information when making probabilistic judgments about an event or characteristic.
Base Rate Fallacy
French and Raven identified six bases of social power that induce compliance in another person: coercive, reward, expert, legitimate, referent, and informational.
Bases Of Social Power
refers to the tendency of people to not intervene in emergency situations when others are present. It has been attributed to three factors: social comparison, evaluation apprehension, and diffusion of responsibility.
Bystander Apathy
predicts that an act of aggression reduces an individual’s arousal level which then decreases the likelihood that he/she will act aggressively again in the near future. The research has not been supportive of this claim.
Catharsis Hypothesis
affect its persuasiveness - e.g., the level of discrepancy between the positions of the recipient and the message, the order in which the two sides of an argument are presented (primacy/recency effects), and whether the message is intentionally delivered or is overheard.
Characteristics Of The Communication
Research on attitude change has confirmed that credible communicators are more persuasive and that one factor that contributes to credibility is trustworthiness (e.g., if the person is arguing against his/her own best interests, the person may seem more trustworthy).
Characteristics Of The Communicator
Festinger proposes that inconsistencies in cognitions produce discomfort (dissonance) that motivates the individual to reduce the dissonance by changing his/her cognitions.
Cognitive Dissonance Theory
is the tendency to seek or pay attention to information that confirms one’s hypothesis or current beliefs and to ignore disconfirming information.
Confirmation Bias
proposes that prejudice may be reduced through contact between members of majority and minority groups as long as the following conditions are met: Members of the different groups have equal status and power, members are provided with opportunities that disconfirm negative stereotypes about members of the other group, and intergroup cooperation is necessary to achieve mutual (superordinate) goals.
Contact Hypothesis
is a state of relative anonymity that allows an individual to feel unidentifiable. It has been associated with increases in antisocial behavior, apparently because the deindividuated person’s behavior is no longer controlled by guilt, fear of evaluation, or other inhibitory contro
Deindividuation Model
conditions tend to enhance positive experiences and increase the unpleasantness of negative experiences. Men seem to be more stressed by crowded conditions than women and are more likely to react with increased aggressiveness, apparently because men require more personal space.
Effects Of Crowding
The research has generally confirmed that viewing media violence increases aggression by providing viewers with models for aggressive behavior. In addition, media violence can affect attitudes as well as behavior - e.g., frequent viewing of media violence has been linked to a tendency to overestimate the likelihood that one will be a victim of violence.
Effects Of Media Violence
Studies investigating the effects of pornography have shown that, while exposure to mild erotica may reduce aggressiveness, exposure to pornography with violent themes tends to increase aggressive behaviors toward women as well as increase acceptance of rape myths and the adoption of callous attitudes toward sexual violence
Effects Of Pornography
is a cognitive theory of attitude change that distinguishes between two information processing routes - central and peripheral. Use of the central route is likely when the listener’s motivation is high, the listener has the ability to process the information contained in the message, and/or the listener is in a neutral or slightly negative mood. Use of the peripheral route is likely when the listener is unmotivated, the listener lacks the ability to process the information, and/or the listener is in a positive mood.
Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM)
provides an explanation for the experience of strong emotions in close relationships and proposes that there is an innate mechanism that generates emotion in response to unexpected events that disrupt ongoing sequences of behaviors.
Emotion-In-Relationship Model
supported the predictions of self-perception theory by confirming that, when internal cues are insufficient or difficult to interpret, people acquire information about themselves by observing their external behaviors and/or the context in which those behaviors occur.
Epinephrine Studies (Schachter & Singer)
predicts that motivation (e.g., motivation to remain in a relationship) is affected by a comparison of the input/outcome ratios of oneself and one’s partner.
Equity Theory
Lewin’s describes human behavior as being a product of interdependent factors in the person and his or her physical and social environment.
Field Theory