Social Psychology Flashcards
What is Social Psychology?
The scientific study of how and why we humans think about, react to, and behave as we do in our interactions with other humans.
What is the history of Social Psychology?
Kurt Lewin fled Nazi Germany and brought Social Psychology to the US.
Who is Kurt Lewin and what type of research did he conduct?
Kurt Lewin is the creator of Social Psychology based on the influences of the rise of Fascism and the “Final Solution,” and Gestalt Psychology at the University of Berlin. He conducted research in natural settings (local communities and the military) and addressed real-world issues of the day.
What is social cognition?
Cognitive structures and processes that influence how we perceive, interpret or reason about social information about ourselves and other people, that influence how we understand and react to the social world.
How does a “flawed scientist” reason?
Rationally, logically, and reasonably in testing our assumptions or hunches. They also value accuracy.
How does a “cognitive miser” reason?
They take short cuts whenever possible, and value ease and efficiency at the expense of accuracy.
What is a motivated tactician?
They use both the reasoning of both flawed scientists and cognitive misers depending on the situation.
What are the three different kinds of information that flawed scientists use?
Consistency information, distinctiveness information, and consensus information.
What is the Fundamental Attribution Error?
The tendency of observers to explain others’ behaviors by pointing to something about the actor, not the situation.
What is the actor-observer bias?
When explaining behavior, observers point to actors; actors point to the situation.
What is the difference between automatic and controlled processing?
Controlled processing: Intentional, effortful, and voluntary.
Automatic processing: Involuntary, unintentional, and effortless.
What is self-enhancement?
The motivation to feel good about ourselves.
What is post-decision dissonance?
Choosing between alternatives.