3 Flashcards
What are the three components of prejudice?
rejudice is a widespread phenomenon, present in all societies of the world.
What varies across societies are the particular social groups that are the victims of prejudice and the degree to which societies enable or discourage discrimination.
What is prejudice?
Stereotypes, Emotions, and Discrimination
What is a stereotype?
A stereotype is a generalization about a group of people in which identical characteristics are assigned to virtually all members of the group, regardless of actual variation among the members.
A stereotype may be positive or negative, and it can be a useful, adaptive mental tool to organize the social world.
However, by obliterating individual differences within a group of people, it can be come maladaptive and unfair both to the person holding the stereotype and to the target.
What are microaggressions?
subtle, indirect, sometimes unintentional slights,
insults, invalidations, or taking liberties