Social Psyc Flashcards
What is a halo effect?
The cognitive bias in which our overall impression of a person influences how we feel and think about them.
What is fundamental attribution error?
We underestimate the impact of the situation and overestimate the role of personal factors when explaining other people’s behaviour.
What is an in-group bias?
The tendency to favour one’s group and view this group as correct
Define social psychology.
The scientific study of peoples’ thoughts, feelings, and behaviours in social situations
What is the function of schemas?
To allow us to treat different objects as the same and to use this knowledge of categories to make sense of individual members
What does Asch’s line study observed?
People conform to the majority
What factors affect conformity?
Group size, unanimity, private response, expertise/status
Define conformity.
The adjustment of individual behaviours, attitudes and beliefs to a group standard.
Define obedience.
The adherence to instructions from those of higher authority.
What was Stanley Milgram’s study trying to assess?
Obedience of people to power of situations, in particular interactions with authority. Help understand atrocities (like Holocaust)
Define “attribution” in social psychology.
“the process of assigning a cause to our own behaviour and that of others”
What are the two types of Attribution in Social Psyc?
Personal (Internal, dispositional) attribution AND situational (external) attribution.
Define self-fulfilling prophecy
When people’s expectations lead them to act in a way that brings about the expected behaviours.
Define stereotype
A belief about a person’s characteristics on basis of their group membership.
Mental shortcut for understanding people.
Define prejudice.
Negative attitude toward someone on basis of their group membership