Social/Moral Legislation Flashcards
Social and Moral Legislation
Public Safety
'’Armed police in bandit ridden districts’’ (SUET)
Workmans guilds disbanded (apart from oldest)
|_> organised crime
Social and Moral Legislation
Public Welfare
RG - ‘‘cleared seas of pirates’’
|_> ensure grain supply eg. 39/38BC Pompey blockades
Micromanagement of grain supply
|_> own food if droubt
Burnt bank debts (remove bribary)
|_> Livy Ab Urbe Condita ‘‘wealth has brought avarice’’
Social and Moral Legislation
Benefit Aug.
RG - Burnt all ‘‘unsuitable prophetic verse’’
|_> 2000 books
APART from Sibylline books
|_> edited
Political reform (Senate) |_> Germanicus not allowed to say anything in case accepted word for Aug.
Declined Pontifex Maximum (non dictatorial/traditional)
Social and Moral Legislation
Dignity/Effectiveness/Efficient of Highest Social Orders
Social hierarchy
|_> 14 rows (first)
Priesthoods increased in dignity, reputation
|_> Aug. Member all 4 main priestly colleges
Senate/Equite reformation
Marriage laws (bloodlines)
Flamen Dialis brought back (none since 87BC)
|_> Priest of Jupiter
Social and Moral Legislation
Morality amongst upper classes declined
Excessive luxury
Avoidance of responsibility
Horace 29BC ‘‘first you tainted marriage, the house and the family. now… flows pollution over the fatherland and the people’’
Seen as greatest reason for fall of Rome
Social and Moral Legislation
What needed
Mores Maiorum:
-strict upbringing
-moral code
-order withing family
Social and Moral Legislation
Lupercalia ‘cleansed’
|_> couldnt compete until 1st beard shaved
Saecular Games re-introduced 17BC
|_> new sacrifices in day
Social and Moral Legislation
Marriage Laws
- Lex lulia maritandis ordinibus
- lex lulia de adulteriis
-lex lulia papia poppaia
|_> adjustment
Social and Moral Legislation
Marriage laws
Avoidance of responsibility
Protect senatorial bloodlines
Strengthen marriage
Become trendy not to marry etc.
Encourage childbirth
Social and Moral Legislation
Marriage laws
Senators NOT marry:
- freedmen/women
- actors/actresses (or children of)
Freeborn NOT marry:
- prostitutes
- adultresses
- actresses
- those convicted
Men 25
Women 20
6 months before remarry
Women NO relations out marriage
Men CAN with low status
Social and Moral Legislation
Marriage laws
Carrots (Leges Luliae)
Men progress up Cursus Honorum sped up
Women with 3 or more children (No guardian)
10 gold pieces per child
Social and Moral Legislation
Marriage laws
Sticks (Leges Luliae)
CRIMINAL FOR 1st time!!
Not allowed inheritance/games if unmarried
38+ men taxed if unmarried
Men - 50% property and exile to island
Woman - 50% dowry, 1/3 property, exiled
If knew wife had to divorce and prosecute in 60 days or could face punishments by DEFAULT
Social and Moral Legislation
Marriage laws
2 consuls who supported Aug. Legislation UNMARRIED
9AD Equites demonstrated at public entertainment
|_> called for Agrippina children unto knee
Not in RG
Social and Moral Legislation
Marriage laws
Aug. support?
'’Augustus offered himself as the greatest exemplum’’
Exiled Julia (daughter and grandaughter)
|> Planasia and Pandataria
||> refused to be in Mausoleum
Said that if daughter was of age and selected would place her a Vestal Virgin
Social and Moral Legislation
Introduced by what power
Social and Moral legislation
Marriage laws
Aug. public/private
- '’Livia remember our marriage’’
- simplicity/humble
- toga simply tailored (wife and granddaughter)
- '’hauling a former consul’s wife from her husbands dining room to the bedroom’‘(SUET)
- Capri as private refuge
- and 100s of imperial slaves
Social and Moral legislation
Aug. Saw to cases himself
|_> even from sick bed
Reduced age of jurors (35-30)