Civil Wars Flashcards
April 43BC
Mutina - April 43BC
Mutina April 43BC
Senate/Octavian/Decimus Brutus
Mutina April 43BC
Why shouldn’t Octavian side with the Senate and DB?
Mutina - April 43BC
To blame for Caesars death Ides of March 44BC
Mutina - April 43BC
Why Antony involved
Mutina - April 43BC
Given Macedonia ‘‘by lot’’ (Cassius Dio) 44BC
Asks Senate to exchange for Cisalpine Gaul
|_> angers Senate (send more money and troops to DB)
2/5 legions defect to Octavian
DB consulship ends in a month
Outlawed by Senate!
Mutina - April 43BC
Enemy’s enemy is my friend
Mutina - April 43BC
Octavian noticed Senate hatred of Antony and so joins (ANT. Larger threat)
Octavian illegitimate army made legal (Propraetorian power)
Offers 2000 sesterces
Ant. Offers 400 seseterced
|_> 2/5 defect
Mutina - April 43BC
Mutina - April 43BC
Octavian ‘palmed off’ by Senate
Octavian requests consulship with Cicero
|_> ‘‘people appointed me consul’’ RG
IN FACT - marched on Rome (8 legions and 3 more defected when sent to combat)
Octavian tried and convicted liberators ‘en masse’ and in ‘absentiae’
Mutina - April 43BC
Suetonius’ rumour
Hirtius and Pansa deaths (previous consuls)
Mutina - April 43BC
'’Rumour Augustus had engineered both deaths’’ SUET
2nd Triumvirate - November 43BC
Where meet
How long last
2nd Triumvirate - November 43BC
Antony and Octavian
5 year agreement
Legal under ‘lex titia’
|_> 1st w/ Caesar, Crassus, Pompey not legal
2nd Triumvirate - November 43BC
Who got what
2nd Triumvirate - November 43BC
Octavian - Sardinia, Sicily, Africa
Antony - Cisalpine/Transalpine Gaul
Lepidus - Spain, Gallia Narbonensis
Proscriptions - ‘first act’
Proscriptions - ‘first act’
Financial (most enemies outside Italy)
2500 (Cicero) - leader of senate
Senatorial places filled with loyal triumvirate supports
Battle of Philippi - 42BC
How many battles
Who faced who
Who controls Rome
Battle of Philippi - 42BC
2 battles
Cassius faced ANT - suicide
Brutus faced OCT - oct lost but Brutus heard of Cassius’ suicide (commited self)
Triumvirate control Rome - NO Conspirators left
After Philippi
Who got where
Where Ant go
Where Oct go
After Philippi
Ant. Got East
Oct. Got West
Lep. Sidelined to Africa
Ant. Went East (losing all West. Influence)
Oct. Back to Italy
|_> POLARIZATION of Roman world
Problems for Octavian after Philippi - 40BC
Augustus’ claim on veterans settling
How settle veterans
Problems for Octavian after Philippi - 40BC
'’I settle rather more than 300000’’ (not all 500000 who signed oath)
Forcibly evicted inhabitants (made unpopular)
Siege of Perusia - 40BC
Siege of Perusia - 40BC
Augustus’ unpopularity saw opportunity
Lucius Antonius
Fulvia (Ant. Wife)
Oct. seiged Perusia (Lucius surrendered)
|_> 8 legions added to Oct. force
Seige of Perusia - 40BC
Augustus’ claim after victory
Seige of Perusia -40BC
RG - ‘‘i spared the lives of all citizens who asked for mercy’’ (NOT TRUE)
Cassius Dio - ‘‘most of the senators and knights were put to death’’
Suet - ‘‘Augustus took vengeance’’
‘‘300 prisoners oe eques/senatorial rank and offered them as human sacrifices’’
Seige of Perusia- 40BC
Who to where
What happened
Seige of Perusia - 40BC
Ant. west to seige Brundisium
Oct. contronted
|_> neither armies wanted war
Pact of Brundisium - 40BC
Who got what
Wearing what
Pact of Brundisium - 40BC
Ant. Lost Gaul to Oct. (last foothold)
Lep. Quiet in Africa
Oct. Got Sardinia, Dalmatia, Spain, Gaul
Cassius Dio - ‘‘Antony in Asiatic and Egyptian style’’ clothing
Pompey threats - Blockades 39/38BC
Where Pompey hold
What Aug. Consider him as
Why angry
Pompey threats - Blockades 39/38BC
'’Pirate’’ - ‘‘i cleared the seas of pirates’’
Left out triumvirate
No benefit from Brundisium (40BC)
Pompey threats - Blockades 39/38BC
Who bring together
Who call upon
Pompey threats - Blockades 39/38BC
Refugees from proscriptions
Survivors of Philippi
Dispossessed by veterans
'’Antony called upon Pompeius to move against Italy’’
Pompey threats - Blockades 39/38BC
What done
Pompey threats - Blockades 39/38BC
Pompey blockaded Italy 39BC
Ant/Oct forced to negotiate (Treaty of Misenum)
Pompey threats - Treaty of Misenum - 39BC
Pompey threats - Treaty of Misenum - 39BC
Sextus - Corsica, Sardinua, Sicily (Promised Peloponnese)
Ant. Returned East
Oct. remained Italy
Pompey threats - Blockades 39/38BC
What happens after Misenum
Pompey threats - Blockades 39/38BC
Sextus doesnt get Peloponnese
|_> blockades Italy again 38BC
Oct. moves against @ Battle of Cumae (naval)
|_> loses
Oct. forced to appral to Ant. for help
Pompey threats -
Pact of Tarentum - 37BC
What given?
Pompey threats - Pact of Tarentum - 37BC
Oct. got 120 ships from Ant.
Ant. Promised 20 000 Italian troops for Parthian campaign
Triumvirate renewed
Pompey threat - Pact of Tarentum - 37BC
Pompey threat - Pact of Tarentum - 37BC
Pompey threats - 36BC
After Equilibrium
Pompey threats - 36BC
Marcus Agrippa readied Oct. fleet
Held Sextus’ fleet
Pompey threats - 36BC
Who called?
By who?
Pompey threats - 36BC
Lepidus from South
General of Oct. from NE
Oct. from Campania
Pompey threats - 36BC
Rumour via Suet.
Pompey threats - 36BC
'’Not even stand to review his fleet…until Agrippa had routed the enemy’’
Antony said it
Pompey threats - Battle of Naulochus
What happened
Pompey threats - Battle of Naulochus
3 September 36BC
Agrippa took several of Sextus’ ports before destroying fleet
Sextus fled (murdered)
Lepidus threat - 36BC
How many legions
What happened
Lepidus threat - 36BC
22 legions
Defeat Oct.
Men fled when Oct. marched towards them
Lepidus threat - 36BC
What did Oct. do with Lepidus
Lepidus threat - 36BC
Oct. spared his life
Stripped of powers
Put in house arrest in Circeii
Before Actium
What Senate try to do
What Oct. go from and to
Before Actium
Award Oct. pontifex maximus
|_> ‘‘i declined to be made PM in the place of my colleague who was still alive’’
From ‘Avenger of Caesar’ and ‘Military Revoluionary’
To ‘Guardian of Roman Tradition’
Before Actium - Antony 35-33BC
What doing (failures)
What want
Before Actium - Antony 35-33BC
Practising Eastern customs, clothing, Cleo
Forming own Senate
No decisive outcome w/:
Parthians, Armenians, Tribes of Ilycium
Before Actium - Antony 34BC
What success?
What staged?
What rumoured
Before Actium - Antony 34BC
Seized Armenia
Staged Donations to Alexandria
- Cleo ‘‘queen of kings’’
- Caesarion ‘‘kings of kings’’
- divided East between Cleo. And sons
Cleo want to be Queen of Rome
Renounced Octavia as wife
Before Actium - Agrippa 33BC
What made
Effect on Aug
What do
Before Actium - Agrippa 33BC
Appeared to care for people
Manage sewer, water, beautiful, restore
Before Actium - Oct. actions against Ant.
Before Actium - Oct. actions against Ant.
Seized will from Vestal Virgins and read in senate
|_> showed wished to be buried next to Cleo
Octavian able to declare war on Cleo (foreign enemy)
Before Actium - support for Octavian
What Octavian call it
Before Actiun - support for Octavian
‘Oath of Allegiance’
All Italy and West
RG - ‘‘whole of Italy at its own free will swore allegiance to me’’
- ''demanded me as their leader'' - ''universal consent''
Actium - September 31BC
Actium - September 31BC
Ambracian Gulf
Actium - September 31BC
Antony mistakes
Actium 31BC
Cleo prescence saw defections
Cleo left mid-battle
Dellius defected
2nd September attempted to break out - but Ant. Defeated
Actium - September 31BC
Octavian tactics
Actium - September 31BC
Blockaded forces in Ambracian Gulf
After Actium
After Actium
Cleo and Ant fled (followed by Oct.)
After Actium - Battle of the Nile 30BC
Engaged where
Octavian reaction
After Actium - Battle of the Nile 30BC
Engaged land and sea
|_> Ant. Navy and army defected
1st Aug. 30BC Ant./Cleo. Committed suicide
Oct. had Caesarion and eldest son executed
RG - ‘‘I added Egypt to the Empier of the Roman people’’