Social Media Practitioner Introduction Flashcards
List 7 Benefits of Blogs
Blogs- may be the most important part of social media for your business
o Gives potential for constant link building
o Infographics, video, content – share on social boosts SEO value
o Blogs make you a resource
o Soft sell
o Deep, topical links – people link to specific article
o RSS distribution – email subscriptions
o Conversation – not selling – sharing info
List the process that the foundation of a business’ customer base goes through on social media
- Exposure
- Customer
- Endorser
- Evangelist
What are some of the big gains that Blogs lead to for websites?
Companies that have blogs have:
- 55% more visitors
- 97% more inbound links
- 434% more indexed pages
What are the 3 opportunties offered by Blogs to a company?
Offer opportunities
- education
- motivation
- congregate
Briefly describe MicroBlogging.
Option to tell people what the writer is thinking
o Short sentences, very social, people choose to follow.
Briefly describe some of the feautures of the two most commonly used MicroBlogging medium.
King of microblogging
Largest user base
Strongest app choices
Networking integration
Best search functionality
o Tumblr
Mix of Twitter and WordPress type service
80 million blogs
20 Billion page views a month, 13.4 M visitors a month
Images, text and thoughts – multimedia integration
Photos, video, audio
Younger gen
Quick blurbs
Raw Content
What is the basci framework of Social Networks?
- Hand chosen connections
- Access to extended networks
- Broadcast and receive
What is the framework of Facebook?
Socially focused,
Huge user-base,
Categorization controls,
Social sharing
What is the basic foundation of the business side of networking?
- Allows you to add connections and see what is happening with those connections and their friends.
o Online Rolodex
o Topical groups
o Corporate in road
What are some ways in which Youtube can be leveraged?
o Research – keywords, influencers, topics
o Optimize headline, description tags
o Convert – add links, call to action overlays, tell people to share
What is the framework on which PinTerest is built?
o Web based inspiration board
o Gateway site
o Viewed as a staring point, a collection and an inspiration platform
o Great for attracting fan
What is the framework for Instagram?
- mobile photo based social network
o Picture version of Twitter
o Chance to connect people visually – relationships, topics, hashtags
Briefly discuss Social review.
Social reviews
o Allows people to get feedback
o Restaurants and store locations
o Service Providers –, Angies list
o Hotels – Trip advisor
o Products
o Movies
Share a few ways in which Social Media can have an impact on a business.
Bring credibility to a small business – people can learn about it, see it is real, read reviews.
Bring personality to big business.
What are the three key things Social Media aid businesses with?
Social media assists in three things
o Branding
o Conversion
o Engagement