Social Justice & Systems of Power Flashcards
Try to think of the word or phrase that is the best match:
These are the important things people believe in.
some examples are: family, wealth, happiness, hard work,
Jinny loves to exercise and eat wholesome foods, and from these actions we can see that health is one of her _________.
value - this is a noun. The verb form has a different meaning.
Try to think of the word or phrase that is the best match:
**An original document from the time, someone’s ID Card, a letter somone wrote, a speech someone gave, a receipt, a photograph, etc. instead of articles written by someone later on about the topic. **
This is different than a seconday source, like a website, or an article someone has written.
I needed a ____________ for my World War II project so I interviewed my grandfather about his experiences.
primary source vs secondary source
primary in this case means “first” (primary school before secondary)
Try to think of the word or phrase that is the best match:
Ideas a person takes as true without the need for evidence or reasoning, and this influences how they behave.
some example are: Santa Claus, Jesus, the world is flat, etc.
The crusades of the 11th century were based on Christian ________ and led to wars in the middle easter holy sites.
believe, believer, belief, opposite: disbelief, nonbeliever, infidel
A persons behaviour becomes extreme when their beliefs are also extreme.
Try to think of the word or phrase that is the best match:
When prejudices lead you to treat someone differently, often in a negative way.
My sister will not work with people who are different than her.
discriminate, discriminatory
discrimination is an action based on a prejudice
Try to think of the word or phrase that is the best match:
When someone chooses to believe in something, even when it is unfair or without evidence.
The key word here is “chooses”.
Zeina has made up her mind that men with beards cannot be trusted, and she will avoid working with them.
explicit bias
Explicit biases are shown in how people act - the things they say and do. This is also true for implicit bias.
Try to think of the word or phrase that is the best match:
To have an unfair opinion or judgement about someone or something
(favouring or not favouring may be based on what group they belong to)
The coach showed her __________ by selecting her son to be team captain, even though he was not the best choice.
biased, biases, opposite: unbiased
There are two types of bias: implicit, and explicit
Try to think of the word or phrase that is the best match:
To pre-judge a person based on how they look, dress, or what culture or group they appear to belong to.
My sister shows her ___________________ when she assumes anyone who looks different than her cannot be trusted.
prejudicial, prejudiced,
prejudice is a thought, an idea, not an action. DISCRIMINATION are the actions that happen because of prejudice.
Try to think of the word or phrase that is the best match:
When someone has rights and priviliges that others do not, is in control, and the one that decides.
this can refer to a specific person, or a category of people
The MS principal is a man, and this is another example of how males are often in positions of __________ .
power is related to ‘status’ - the more power, the highter the status
people in power often try to control beliefs in order to remain in power
Try to think of the word or phrase that is the best match:
When someone automatically believes something, without even thinking about it.
the key words here are “automatically believes”
Ziyaad always seems to think badly towards younger people, even though he will tell you he treats everyone the same.
implicit bias
‘implicit bias’ is also known as ‘unconscious bias’
People are often not aware of their implicit biases.
**When someone is the owner of another person, and can sell them to another, and use them to do work you don’t want to do yourself, but without pay. **
In the Caribbean, many people were captured from Southern African nations and sold to the sugar plantations to be used as workers.
Try to think of the word or phrase that is the best match:
When somone gives up easily, avoids challenges, and/or tends to believe things can’t be changed.
Sarina tends to hide her mistakes, and this is a sign of a _______________ .
fixed mindset
we can also use the terms ‘closed mindset’ or ‘close minded’
Mindsets are explained using a continuum, from one extreme to the other.
Try to think of the word or phrase that is the best match:
When somone enjoys challenges, learns from mistakes, and/or believes hard work will lead to success
Nelson Mandela never stopped trying to change attitudes and this is a sign of his _______________.
growth mindset
we can also use the terms ‘open mindset’ or ‘open minded’
Mindsets are explained using a continuum, from one extreme to the other.
A very simple idea about a person based on how they look, or the culture they come from.
Not all Canadians will say “eh” when they speak, but that idea is very popular.
An idea you have about how things should be in the world, especially about economics or politics.
If you believe in socialism, then you prefer that governments support citizens in many ways, such as free health care, and so on.
ideological, ideologies
There are two main economic ideologies in the world today: socialism, and capitalism. Many years ago, some governements tried communist eceonomics, but today most places are a mix of capitalism and socialism.
Being proud of the country (or countrIes) where you live or where you are from and wanting to put these places first, vs having a great love and devotion for your country, to the point of doing anything to protect it, including going to war.
At the Olympics I was proud when Canada won gold with the 4X100 relay, but I would never support Canada if it decided to go to war against another nation.
nationalism vs patriotism
nationalistic, national, patriot, patriotic
The idea that people who are different from each other should be separated. That means love in different parts of the city or country, go to different schools, work at different jobs, and so on. The opposite means everyone lives and works as one.
In the USA, the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960’s ended laws that said people who are different from the main group in society should go to different schools.
segregation vs integration
segregated, integrated
This is a type of bias where someone tends to see things through their own culture.
Sometimes foreigners in Thailand do not understand why they have to take off their shoes when entering a house, and view this as strange.
Ethnocentric foreigners in Thailand might not understand why they have to take off their shoes when entering a house, and view this as strange.
This is when one country will take charge over another country, and bring in its laws, languages, school system, and so on.
Canada, Australia, and New Zealand were once goverened by England.
colony, colonial, colonise, coloniser
Canada, Australia, and New Zealand were once colonised by England.
To bring together people who hate each other and work together until there is peace and understanding.
Nelson Mandela, when he became president of South Africa, organised meetings between the Afrikaners and native South Africans in order to work out their differences.
To target a group of people with hate. This is often done based on religion, cultural heritge, or appearance.
First Natons people in Canada were treated badly by colonisers, and this has led to many problems today.
persecute, persecuted
First Natons people in Canada were persecuted by colonisers, and this has led to many problems today.
A fear of people who come from a different cultural background than you, especially when these people are new to a place and look different than you do.
The riots in England became worse after misinformation on social media blamed foreigners.
A person who holds onto a belief even when it is so obviously wrong - especially beliefs about other cultures or people who are different
bigotry, bigoted
Her bigoted ideas about immigrants was something she learned from her parents.