Conflict and Atrocity Flashcards
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Similar to ‘treaty’ - this is an agreement between different sides in a conflict. An example is The Dakar Accord - a peace agreement between the countries of Chad and Sudan. It is called “Dakar” since that is the city where it was signed.
The adding of a region to the territory of an existing country. This is often done using economic or military power.
This is dislike for and discrimination against people who are of Jewish heritage and their culture.
photo by Alexandr Hovhannisyan on
A Western Asian country
Armenian Genocide
The massacre of Armenians conducted by Turkey during WWI
Edward Snowden has been granted asylum by the Russian government. - Edward Snowden is a “whistleblower” wanted by the U.S. government and now lives safely in Russia.
This is a country where you will be safe from those who want to arrest you or do you harm. For instance, Edward Snowden is granted asylum by Russia, which means the U.S. government cannot arrest him while he remains in Russia.
Edward Snowden has been granted [____________] by the Russian government - Edward Snowden is a “whistleblower” wanted by the U.S. government and now lives safely in Russia.
Edward Snowden has been accused of treason by the United States. - Edward Snowden is a “whistleblower” wanted by the U.S. government and now lives safely in Russia.
This is when your government thinks you have acted in a way to betray your country, such as telling secrets to an enemy, or
Edward Snowden has been accused of [____________] by the United States. - Edward Snowden is a “whistleblower” wanted by the U.S. government and now lives safely in Russia.
great cruelty towards another person or a group of people, examples include torture and genocide
a person who is not part of a conflict, but they are there at the time, but do not react
Bevis was a […..] because he stood by and did nothing.
The U.S. Civil War lasted four years, from 1861 - 1865.
civil war
A war for power within a country between two or more groups.
concentration camps
Detention centres for people considered enemies of the state. Similar to prisons, except the people detained were unlikely to survive. A well know example is Auschwitz, built in Poland by the National Socialist Party (NAZI) during WWII.
Demographics help us understand what life was like at a certain time.
photo by Lukas Blazek on
statistical data about the population of a place. Examples: literacy rate, poverty rate, youth unemployment rate, etc.
ethnic cleansing
Widespread war crimes were committed in the context of an ethnic cleansing campaign. (from Human Rights Watch)
another word for ‘genocide’ this refers to the organised and planned attempt to kill off a certain group of people.
Widespread war crimes were committed in the context of an [……………………] campaign. (from Human Rights Watch)
Deliberate actions that are designed to get rid of a group of people from Earth. Groups may be targeted because of a religion, their ethnicity, their skin colour, or any other way people identify together as a member of a group.
sudden unexpected attacks carried out by a small military group or groups - this tactic makes it possible for a small army to defeat a much larger army
guerilla warfare tactics
one who fights against the government or group in power using warfare and violence
Patriotism often leads to the ideology of militarism.
The belief or desire of a government or citizens that a country should have a strong military and be prepared to use it aggressively to defend or promote national interests.
Patriotism often leads to the ideology of […………]
Hindu nationalism, once a fringe ideology in India, is now mainstream.
Loyalty and devotion to a particular nationality or country - this means putting your nation or country first
Hindu [………..] once a fringe ideology in India, is now mainstream.
Photo by British Library on Unsplash
North Atlantic Treaty Organization; an alliance created after World War II by the governments of England, France, Belgium, Luxumbourg, The Netherlands.
In 2024 the organiation consists of 32 governments, with Sweden being one of the latest to join.
natural resources
Photo by Jakub Kapusnak on Unsplash
Anything in the environment that humans use, especially as part of a nation’s economy. Examples are: water, forests, fish, minerals, petroleum (oil), etc.
Photo by Jakub Kapusnak on Unsplash
When the leaders of one country or area order their army to take control of another group of people in a different area or country
occupier / occupation
Photo by Yonatan Tesfaye on Unsplash
love of one’s country - sometimes to the extreme of taking violent action including attacks on others
Photo by Yonatan Tesfaye on Unsplash
someone (or a group) who deliberately tries to harm another person (or group) or their property
“…social media use seems to contribute to increasing…polarisation”
when people are encouraged to choose sides and society becomes sharply divided - “you are either with us, or against us”
Social media use seems to contribute to increasing […………..]
When a political party and its leader appeals to the needs and ideas of the “common” folk, often using propaganda, hyperbole, and making big promises.
percentage of people in a country whose income falls below the poverty line (in Thailand the rate was 10% in 2018).
poverty rate
the belief that there are “races” and that some “races” are superior to others - race can sometimes mean that people think there are biological (genetic) causes to a person’s identity that is shown to the world through attributes such as skin colour. Some people use the word ‘race’ to refer to a group of people
Someone who tries to save someone who has been injured due to a conflict.
A person (or group of people) who are in the conflict but resist what the perpetrators are trying to do. There are people or groups who disagree with perpetrators and therefore speak up. They could be from the group being attacked, or they could belong to the same group as the perpetrators.
Photo by Ifeoluwa A. on
A country in East Africa. Its capital city is Kigali.
People who wish to separate from the country and form their own country, or perhaps join with another country. For example, in southern Thailand some separatists would like to split from Thailand and make their own country called Patani.
The United Nations designated January 27 as Holocaust Remembrance Day.
The attempted genocide of European Jews and other groups during World War II.
The United Nations designated January 27 as [………] Remembrance Day.
A formal written document and agreement to end a conflict
The percentage of people in a place who need to work but who are not able to find work. In the USA it was 4.1 % in October of 2024. A rate between 4-6% is considereed very good.
The New York Public Library
unemployment rate
source: New York Public Library
a person not invovled in a conflict but steps in to protect the victims and to try and end the conflict
Wartime acts of cruelty and brutality that are judged beyond the accepted rules of war and human behavior. Even in a war there are rules. One of the most sacred rules is to never harm civilians (non-military people and places). War Crimes can be punished at the International Criminal Court (ICC). War crimes can range from things such as a soldier who steals food from someone’s home to torture, rape, and murder.
war crimes
When prices of basic goods such as food, shelter, and gasoline increase.