Conflict & The News Media Flashcards
Journalists are supposed to [……………] what happened and report on it.
document (verb)
Journalists are supposed to document what happened and report on it.
Statements that can be proved - those things that we all understand as true because we know they can be proved as true
e.g. Archeology proves the earliest humans lived six million years ago.
e.g. Archeology proves the earliest humans lived six million years ago.
A news story that is not true, often made to support a belief or political ideology
fake news
Exaggeration. When people say things and exaggerate the point to make it bigger than it really is. For instance if a politician says something like: “The deal I just made with China is, by far, the greatest and biggest deal ever made for our Great Patriot Farmers in the history of our Country…”
“hi - purr - bow - lee”
Untrue or wrong information, often meant to convince people to believe on ideology over another.
not taking sides
During World War II the government of Switzerland decided to be {……}
During World War II the government of Switzerland decided to be neutral.
Corporations or people reporting on news events of public interest - this can be done on TV, radio, websites, YouTube, social media platforms, traditonal newspapers, and so on.
Some well known news corporations: CNN, FOX, BBC, The Guardian, Reuters.
news media
Photo by Obi on
A person’s view or understanding about a topic, that may be right or wrong. If a person is not able to give solid evidence, then the view is questionable.
When information is shared but you are not given the entire situation. For example, quoting only part of what a person says so that we don’t know the complete situation.
out of context
A deliberate plan to use images or words to give the idea that something is great - often used to encourage people to do something or form an opinion (similar to hyperbole).
Photo by Library of Congress on Unsplash
to make someone feel angry about something
raw information
Information that has not been edited
to try and change someone’s opinion about something
when interviews, a speech, telephone calls, or any other spoken words are written out word-for-word
Showing no prejudice for or against something; impartial. When there is no preference for one thing over another. Impartial. Neutral.
proved to be true
An ideology that believes in bigger government - the government must provide citizens with essential needs and services. This means K-12 schools, hospitals, fire departments, the police, clean air and water, sewage, roads, trains, airports, etc.
This ideology is also open to other cultures and nations. Immigration is seen as a good thing, and cooperation with other countries is important. Change is good, accept new ideas.
other words associated with this ideology: socialist, liberal
Left Wing
Some governments, like Finland, take this to greater levels, such as free university for all, and many other needs and services. Finland also is often ranked as the best country to live in and where people are happiest.( the happiness index). Note all countries have citizens for both left and right ideologies, but the government in power is usually more one side or the other.
An ideology that believes in smaller government - many essential needs and services come about through businesses - so citizens have to pay. Governements will provide some basic services, such as K-12 schools, hospitals, etc. but these will not receive much money, and there will often be competing businesses, like private schools
This ideology is also very nationalistic, preferring to stop immigration, to not cooperate with other countries, and to protect yourself and your country from others. Change is bad. Keep the old ways of doing things.
others words associated with this ideology are: conservative, capitalist
Right Wing
all countries have a mix of people both left and right
The United States, India, and Thailand are some examples of places considererd more right-wing.
mass media
Any method to publish information to a large number of people all at once. For example: television, radio, newspapers, websites, social media apps
Photo by Adem AY on Unsplash