social influence people Flashcards
Herbert Kelman (1958)
Types of conformity
Deutsch and Gerard (1955)
Explanations for conformity
two process theory
Lucas et al (2006)
Research support for ISI
└greater conformity to more difficult maths problems- especially from people bad at maths
Asch (1955)
Individual differences in ISI
└students (28%) less conformist than other participants (37%)
Spencer (1980)
little conformity with science students
Asch (1951)
Research support for NSI
└participants conformed as self-conscious
└when wrote down- conformity dropped to 12.5 %
McGhee and Teevan (1967)
students needing affiliation conformed more
Asch (1951,1955)
comparing line lengths on cards- two obviously wrong
└123 male American undergraduates (volunteers)
└1 naïve participant, 6-8 confederates
└12/18 of critical trials confederates gave same wrong answer
└wrong answer: 36.8%
└conformed once: 75%
└in end interview said conformed to avoid rejection
└normative social influence
Perrin and Spencer (1980)
Limitation of Aschs study
└repeated study with UK engineering students
└1 student conformed in 396 trials
└1950s conformist time in America= conform to social norms
Neto (1995)
Limitation of Aschs study
woman more conformist as more concerned about social relationships
Bond and Smith 1996
Limitation of Aschs study
united states
└individualist culture- in collectivist cultures (e.g. china) higher conformity rates
Haney et al 1973/ zimbardo
└Zimbardo set up mock prison in Stanford University psychology basement (Haney et al 1973)
└students volunteered- emotionally stable participants selected
└randomly assigned: prisoners/guards
└prisoners- arrested, strip serched, deloused, uniform, number, rules
└guards: uniform (handcuffs, keys, shades), power over prisoners
└study stopped at 6/14 days- guards behaviour threat to prisoners psychological and physical health
└rebellion on day 2
└harassed prisoners, punished for small misdemeanours
└releases: 1 on first day, 2 on fourth day
└prisoner on hunger strike in ‘the hole’
Banuazizi and Mohavedi (1975)
Zimbardo’s research into Conformity to social roles
└participants acting not conforming- stereotypes
└e.g. guard based character on guard from Cool Hand Luke
└Fromm (1973)
Zimbardo’s research into Conformity to social roles
└accused Zimbardo of exaggerating the power of the situation to influence behaviours, and minimising the role of dispositional influences (personality)
Zimbardo (2007)
Zimbardo’s research into Conformity to social roles
e.g. a minority of guards behaved brutally a third, the other thirds applied rules fairly or sympathised with and tried to help the prisoners (offered them cigarettes e.g.)