Social Influence - Obedience (Adornos Theory) Flashcards
What are the characteristics of an authoritarian personality?
- have an exaggerated respect for authority
- far more likely to obey orders
- look down on people of inferior social status
very aware of their own and others places in social hierarchy
(F scale)
Explain cognitive style
Like things to be ‘black and white’
Things are either good or bad
Eg - Are uncomfortable that only some men are bullies not all men
Prefer to believe in stereotypes
Explain childhood origins
Adorno proposed authoritarian personalities are made not born with it
From overly strict parents
Expect loyalty and high standards of achievement
Feels hostility - can’t express feelings against parents
Explain scapegoating
Displace anger into something else
Relieves anxiety or anger
Usually onto someone socially inferior
Explain one weakness of Adornos theory (flawed questionnaire)
The theory was based on a flawed questionnaire.
The F-scale used has a response bias as anyone who answered yes would end up with a higher authoritarian score.
This challenges the validity of the theory because it is based on poor evidence.
Explain one weakness of Adornos theory (data is correlational)
One weakness is that the evidence is based on correlational data.
We cannot claim that an authoritarian personality causes greater obedience levels.
Therefore, other factors may explain the apparent link between obedience and the authoritarian personality.
Explain one weakness of Adornos theory (can’t explain all cases)
The authoritarian personality cannot explain all cases of obedience.
Millions of Germans displayed highly obedient and prejudiced behaviour but didn’t have the same upbringing and same personality.
This means that there are probably social factors that affect obedience as well as dispositional ones