Social influence- Minority influence Flashcards
If the minority is consistent (synchronic or diachronic) this attracts the attention of the majority over time
Personal sacrifices show commitment, attract attention, reinforce message (augmentation)
Minority more convincing if they accept some counterarguments
Explaining the process of change
The three factors make majority think more deeply about an issue.
Snowball effect - minority view gathers force and becomes majority influence
Evaluation - Research support for consistency
Moscovici’s blue-green slides and Wood et al.’s meta-analysis
Research support for deeper processing
Participants exposed to minority view resisted conflicting view (Martin et al)
Counterpoint- real-world majorities have more power/status than minorities, missing from research.
Artificial tasks
Tasks often trivial so tell us a little bit about real-world influence
Power of minority influence
More people agree with minority in private