social influence Flashcards
what is comformity
its a type of social influence involing a change in behaviour or belief in order to fit in
what are the 3 types of conformity
- compliance
- identification
- internalisation
what is compliance
where you change your views in public to go along with others, but keep your original views in private
what is identification
where you change your views for a group because you admire them whether thats just publicly or both in public and private. it only lasts as long as your with that certain group
what is internalisation
where you permenantly change your views in public and private and you genuinely accept the groups views and norms as your own
what was asch’s procedure
50 male volunteers took part in a study of visual perception. they were sat in a line an one by one had to say if the stimulus line shown was either line A, B, or C.all of the men in the room were confederates except for the one sat 2nd to last in the line
what was asch’s results
36.8% gave the wrong answer all the time
25% never conformed
75% conformed atleast once
why do people conform
people are most likely to conform because:
they want to be liked(normative influence)
they want to be right(informative influence)
what was asch’s 3 variations of his experiment
- difficulty of the task
- size of majority
what was the difficulty of the task variable (asch)
asch make the stimulus lines and the comparison lines closer together so the questions were harder
what did the difficulty of the task variable find (asch)
asch found that the harder the task, the more people conformed due to informative influence
what was the size of the majority variable in asch’s study
asch changed the amount of conferedates who got it purposefully wrong to see if the percentage of conformity changed
what did the size of majority find (asch)
the samller the group the less people conform. if the group was bigger than 3 people conformed
how does bond contradict asch(size majority)
he says thatnormative social influnece is stronger when answering face to face with majority and informative is stronger when in private
what is unanimity (asch)
there were 2 variables
v1. confederates give the wrong answerbut one gave the correct answer
v2.all confederates gave the wrong answer but one who gave the different wrong answer
what was the findings of the unanimity (asch)
9% conformed when there was a break in unanimity
what was zimbardos procedure
he had 24 students form stanford university play roles of (12) guards and (12) prisoners. zimbardo played the warden.
the guards:
they were invited to help set up the mock prison, then given uniform, truncheon, handcuffs and reflective sunglasses. and they only had 2 rules to follow: keep order in the prison and no physical harm
the prisoners:
they were arrested from there homes in the afternoon to get a real experience of what will happen. they were stripped and given smocks and numbers.
and they all had to conform to their roles for 2 weeks
what were the results of zimbardos experiment
th guards completely took over and made the prisoners do stuff like get up in the middle of the night and be locked in a closet with no light
the prisoners retaliated by shouting and swearing at the guards, they ripped there uniform etc. the guards sprayed them with fire extinguishers.
all the participants were mentally stable before the experiment but because of all of this, a prisoner had a breakdown only 36 hours into the experiment and had to be remov
what is obedience
where you follow orders that is given to you by someone with higher authority
what was milgrams procedure
the had 40 american males from the new have area aged 20-50 volunteer. they were taken to a waiting room when they arrived, the met mr wallace and had a discussion about how he had a weak heart. then the experimenter went to them and mad them draw straws(it was fixed so the pt was teacher and mr W was learner) the strapped mr W to a electric shock machine and lef the room to a different room where pt and experimenter was. experimenter had box that controlled voltage of shock machine . each time mr W got a question wrong, Pt had to shck him.
150v- learner complained about pain
300v-vpeople stoped giving shocks
315v learner goes silent
450v-max shock
what were the findings of milgrams study
participant were uncomfortable because the were sweaty, nervous and a few of them had seizures. they nervously laughed at some points and hsitated pressing the buttons.
12.5% of pts gave 300 volts
65% gave max voltage