Social Final Reveiw Flashcards
In Aztec culture social mobility was earned through:
good military service and success
What worldview elements did the Aztecs and Spanish share?
Warlike society
◦Economy based on a mercantilist (trade) system
◦Believed that they had a divine mission to rule the world and build an empire.
◦Resolved conflict and problems through the use of force.
◦Valued exotic and interesting items to display wealth.
what decisions brought about a feeling of disconnect from Spain and a desire for independence?
Introduction of ‘Marriage Law’ by Cortez.
◦Encomienda system banned by King Carlos I of Spain.
◦Resumption of governorship of New Spain by King Carlos I of Spain.
Why did the Aztecs select Tenochtitlan as their new home even though its physical geography made the area difficult to settle?
The Aztecs believed that they were directed to settle in Tenochtitlan by their god Huitzilopochtli.
In what way did the legal system reinforce the Aztec worldview?
It maintained social order and reminded the Aztec people of their duty to be honest and obedient.
What was the main Aztec military strategy?
Military focused on ‘strength in numbers’ to overwhelm enemy.
What was the main Spanish military strategy?
Military focused on creating and executing well planned and organized strategies.
Why was conflict and battle important to the Aztecs?
They not only used conflict as a means to gain new territory but also to gain human sacrifice
Which two elements of the Aztec worldview were most affected by the fall of the Aztec Empire, Spanish conquest and the establishment of the Spanish colony of New Spain?
Religion & economy
The Aztec worldview contained many strong beliefs about conflict and battle. The Aztec worldview saw conflict and battle as:
Of great importance
The role of the Spanish and their identity in New Spain was shaped and reinforced by:
Encomiendas: economic system.
What led to development of a new worldview unique to New Spain.
The major change in lifestyle and new experiences all the inhabitants of New Spain had as members of a new colony
Following Spanish conquest, the Aztecs became part of the colony of New Spain and the surviving Aztecs became part of a new economy based on:
Land grants
Spain success in its conflicts with the Aztecs in the New World helped develop:
new and very effective military strategies for the Spanish Infantry
A secondary effect of the smallpox epidemic to Aztecs was
Starvation as most Aztecs were too sick or weak to gather food
Many Spanish nobles solved their financial problems by doing which of the following
Becoming Conquistadors and going to the Americas
Which aspect had the least amount of impact on Aztec worldviews?
Social structure
How could Aztecs move up the social hierarchy?
By demonstrating Courage, bravery and military skill
King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella immediately approved Columbus’ second voyage because they believed Columbus had found what they were seeking:
In what two ways did the Aztecs use to expand their territory and build an Aztec Empire?
War and Trade
The Aztec worldview believed that the practice of this ritual was the highest expression of devotion to the gods. Without this ritual, the gods would weaken, die and the world would end. What was the ritual?
Human sacrifice
Which two systems that operated within Aztec society best served to reinforce and promote a disciplined and structured society?
The legal and educational system.
The invention of this technology allowed the ideas and works of Renaissance thinkers, scholars and scientists to be quickly and inexpensively circulated throughout Europe?
The printing press
Competition between the countries of Renaissance Europe for control of overseas markets and territory helped individual countries develop which of the following?
A national identity
The ‘Silk Road’ influenced a lot of intercultural sharing. What is the most significant contributions from this cultural interaction?
Ideas and inventions
The new humanist perspective on human nature made which Renaissance event possible?
The protestant reformation
In the Renaissance, the emerging idea that people could move out of the social class into which they had been born indicates a shifting:
social context
The imperialistic success experienced by the countries of Renaissance Europe helped spread the Renaissance movement because it allowed for what?
It increased the wealth of countries and their citizens, allowing them to invest in the arts, sciences and culture.
Prior to the Renaissance, what was the shared worldview of most poor people in Europe during this time?
Life would be short and harsh but they would be rewarded with eternity in heaven
The era that is recognized for its cultural rebirth in the revival of classical art, architecture, literature and learning is called the:
True or False: The idea of social change did not exist during the Middle Ages
Which of the following Renaissance figures used a scientific approach to the issue of political leadership and is considered to be history’s first political scientist?
Niccolo Machiavelli
What affect did translation have on Renaissance European society?
It made the classics, religious works and new writings more accessible to all members of society, which further helped to spread new ideas and knowledge throughout Renaissance Europe.
What were the beliefs of Renaissance humanist scholars.
Human beings can use the power of reason.
- It is important for a person to have an open, curious and questioning mind.
- People can achieve great things through learning.
- Individuals should gain skills in many different areas by developing mind, body and spirit.
What was the pre-Renaissance worldview?
Each individual was born into a specific set of irreversible circumstances that his/her God had pre-determined. Those who lived piously and honestly, despite trials and hardships, could look forward to a reward after death.
What were the causes of the increased urbanization in Western Europe right before the start of the Renaissance?
The Bubonic plague and the Hundred Years War
What were the most significant cultural sharing’s from the silk road?
Ideas and inventions
Italy’s mountains to the north offered protection and open harbors in the south promoted trade. Both are examples of the importance of:
geographic location in the development of city-states
The greatest influence over art and architecture in Western Europe prior to the Renaissance was the:
rise and practice of slavery by European nations during the late Renaissance period was a result of which of the following?
An imperialist worldview which saw Europe as superior and having the right of ownership over ‘inferior’ indigenous races and cultures.
Defines the term ‘humanism’ in the context of the ideas and beliefs of the Renaissance?
The belief that humans possess intellectual and spiritual abilities that set them apart from animals, and that humans can and should use these abilities to shape their own ideas and make their own choices.
Trade between different European regions during the Renaissance was important because:
It provided a way of using local resources to obtain luxury imported items, as well as providing contact between regions which helped the spread of new knowledge and ideas.
What factor facilitated the spread of humanist ideas through European society and their application to many aspects of Renaissance society?
Renaissance humanists were often intellectual leaders in their communities. Many had important jobs and roles in society which enabled them to implement policies reflecting humanist values.
The change in worldview which accompanied the start of the Renaissance came as a result of?
A change in societal attitudes and the structure of society in Western Europe.
What were some ways ideas and knowledge were spread throughout Renaissance Europe?
Traveling artists and scholars
Royal courts
Why did the Japanese choose the motto ‘Western Science, Japanese Essence’ during the Meiji Period?
To reinforce the Japanese government’s commitment to slow the pace at which Japan was ‘Westernized’ due to backlash from Japanese citizens who felt their traditions, values and customs were very important.
A ‘highly industrialized’ country which has a worldview that holds that ‘knowledge is power’ and sees all people, regardless of gender, race, or wealth as equals is most likely to practice which Governmental System?
Democracy, where all adult citizens have the right to vote.
What was the goal of the five charter oath?
The Five Charter Oath focused on giving Japanese citizens greater personal freedom and equality, involvement in the political process and decision-making, an end to restrictive, discriminatory laws and customs, and a greater focus on gathering knowledge from around the world to strengthen Japan.
Why did the shogun resign?
Due to social and economic problems in Japan at the end of the Edo Period that led to dissatisfaction among the Japanese people
Why were the Japanese people experiencing social problems at the end of the Edo period?
The Japanese people felt that the ruling Shogun and Shogunate were corrupt, inefficient and not taking steps to fix the problems Japan was experiencing.
In what periods did Japan focus on military strength?
Edo and Meiji Periods
What did the military focus on during the Edo Period?
Military control focused inwards to control citizen behavior and isolate Japan.
What did the military focus on during the Meiji Period?
Military control focused outward to acquire new territory, defend Japan, become influential in Asia and gain respect from Europe.
What were the goals for the Restructuring of the Government of Meiji Japan?
- Create a strong central government to unite the citizens of Japan and provide effective rule.
- Create a form of government closer to that of the Western democracies.
The Shogunate considered the teachings of Confucius important to Japanese society in this era because Confucius taught:
Modesty, proper behaviour, and acceptance of duties, obligations and class distinctions.
This worldview of Japan was developed and reinforced by which condition?
The physical geography of Japan which isolated the Japanese from other countries and cultures. The geography of Japan also leaves only small regions suitable for human settlement, leading to high population densities in these areas and the development of a distinct common culture.
During the Edo Period, Japanese society operated under a _____________ system based on ownership of ____________.
Feudal; land
During the Meiji Period, it was believed that a strong and unified Japan would result if …
the citizens of Japan were educated and enlightened and allowed greater personal rights and freedoms
A society might chose to isolate itself and limit contact with other societies because:
The society has different values or beliefs and a worldview that does not value contact or the influence of other societies.
Which period does this statement coincide with: A period of isolation which resulted in peace, stability, prosperity and a growth in the arts and culture in Japan.
The Edo Period
Which period was the isolation period?
The Edo Period
What characteristic of Japan’s feudal system and hierarchical social structure during the Edo Period allowed the Shogun to maintain control of Japan?
Social class was hereditary. Without social mobility, people could not easily gain wealth and power. By controlling the size of the elite and noble classes, the Shogun controlled the number of people with the wealth and power to challenge him.
In order to eliminate possible threats to the power of the Tokugawa Shogunate and to protect the Japanese culture from foreign threat or influence, the Tokugawa Shogunate adopted a policy of:
‘Sakoku’ – meaning ‘lock up of country’ which prevented foreigners from entering Japan, and the Japanese from leaving Japan.
The abolishment of the samurai class and the pressure placed on the daimyo to return their land to the state by Meiji leaders of Japan was done to accomplish what?
To increase the power of the government and Emperor.
Because most foreign trade was banned during the Edo Period in Japan by the Tokugawa Shogunate, Japan had to be economically self-sufficient. Funds needed were raised through which of the following?
High levels of taxation
One similarity between the style of government during the Edo and Meiji Periods in Japan was that in both periods:
A strong central government
The arrival of _________ led to the signing of the _____________ which brought an end to Japan’s long standing policy of isolation.
Commodore Matthew Perry; Treaty of Kanagawa.
This rule of ‘Alternate Attendance’ was made by:
By the Shogun and had the goal of increasing his power by keeping the daimyos busy and decreasing their wealth.