Chapter 1: Unit 1 Medieval times Flashcards
How was manorial life arranged?
Freeholder were able to rent land from the king or would work the land for the king. And serfs worked the land for the king with little pay.
What were peasants expected to do on manors?
Farm, turn over to the noble, build roads, and clear forests
What were some positives to country life?
•You were guaranteed housing and a job
Each family had their own patch of land
What were some negatives to country life?
They had to turn of to the Nobel
Some were serfs
That had to do work the lord ordered
What are some positive to town life?
You were able to learn a trade
You had more freedom
You could become a merchant
What are some downsides to town life?
Weren’t guaranteed housing it a job
They were crowded dirty rat infested
What is a guild?
Basically a union, they controlled the prices of goods, set standards of quality, and decided who would be admitted to the craft as a trainee. They also acted as insurance
What is a journey man?
A person who trained and would be admitted to the guild
Name all the levels in the feudalism hierarchy
Barons, abbots and bishops
Commoners (freeman and serfs
What was the role of rural women?
They usually had many children shared the hard work in the fields with their husbands Wove cloth Made clothes Cooked meals And preserved meals
What was the role of women in town?
They married guild members
Worked alongside their husbands or were in carve of selling goods
They were permitted to inherit property
They could become masters of textile industries and brewing
What was the role of women in families of wealthy merchants?
They had more opportunity
They were sent to school
What was the role of women in noble families?
Had the fewest rights
Arranged marriages
What was the role of women in religious orders?
Received some education
What was the peasants revolt?
The peasants revolted because of high taxes due to war.
What was a result of the peasants revolt?
They lost but their world view changed
What was the Black Death?
The plague. 1346 to 1350
What was a result of the Black Death?
There were severe labor shortages in manors and many went bankrupt
What did nobles do after the Black Death?
They rented it out or sold it to serfs
In the new social structure how did people show their wealth?
Clothing, furniture, decorations, and meals
Why were sumptuary laws put into place?
Because people were buying too much
What is the top level of the new social structure?
What is the middle level of the new social structure?
Middle class
What was the bottom level of the new social structure?
Lower class
Which people were under aristocracy?
High church officials
Rulers or lots of large manors
Old noble families
Wealthy merchants
Who was under middle class?
Merchants or business people Crafts people Shopkeepers Bankers Priests and lower church officials
Who was under lower class?
Peasants Rural lab outward Urban laborer a Servants Unemployed
What is the church social structure?
The pope Archbishops Bishops Priests Parishioners
What did people compete to build in the Middle Ages?
Why were monks and nuns more educated?
To read the bible?
Why did many people turn to faith?
Because they thought the Black Death was a punishment from God