Chapter 2: The Exapansion Of Trade Flashcards
What did contact with Muslim civilization bring?
New ideas about medicine, astronomy, philosophy, mathematics, and ancient literature and goods such as oil, spices, and new varieties of fruit
What started trade with the east?
The Christian military crusades
How were goods transported?
Because of the great deal of trade goods were passed along by trading
Why was Italy such a great place to trade?
It was in the middle and it was surrounded by water
What were the most sought out goods and why?
Spices, because they added flavor to European food
Which country was collection of city states?
What is a city state?
A politically independent area and the hinterland around it
What was so great about Italy’s geography?
It was close to many countries and the sea which made transporting things easily
What were 2 results of the Christian military crusades?
Contact with Muslim civilization
What was so great about Italy’s climate?
The climate was milder, so trade wasn’t interrupted
What was so great about Italy’s leadership?
Most countries were monarchies, but Italy was a collection of city states, they had their own armies and governments
What was different about Italy’s social organization?
Feudalism wasn’t that big and nobles tended to move into towns where they took place in upper class society and became involved in politics
What were the four reasons had so much success?
Social organization
Why was there rivalry among the city states?
They all wanted to expand their trade and businesses. And the hinterland was providing them with some resources
How did merchants make their money?
Merchants made money by purchasing good in one place and selling them for a higher price. As well as dealing other goods
Why did the Ciompi revolt?
Because there was high unemployment rate for those who did not belong to guilds, they wanted to form their own guilds but the government refused.
What was the most important currency in London?
The coins from Florence called florin
What were the our new business practices?
Partnerships and joint stock company
Bills of exchange
How did the Partnerships and Joint stock Company work?
Used to raise money using partner ships, by investing with more than one person
How did banks work?
Provided money lending services as well as issuing bills of exchange
How did Bills Of Exchange work?
You could deposit gold then travel and pick it up at another bank for easier and safer trading
How did insurance work?
Paid a small fee to ensure your goods during travel
What was aren’t of the Black Death?
People moved into towns
What was the result of the rise of towns?
They disregarded feudalism and trade became really big
What was a result of the Christian military crusades?
Contact with Muslim civilizations, new luxury items, and trade routes
What was result of trade with the east?
New business practices and increased wealth
What was a result of new business practices?
Easier ways to start a business, safer ways to travel