Crime as a social construct means…
crimes is a product of the interaction of people living together tied to social control mechanisms.
What are the main takeaways of Durkheim’s work? (3)
Crime as a violation of moral codes, conscious collective of society that requires punishment. A certain amount of crime is normal.
What is the main social effect of crime?
Prohibiting a behaviour indicates that the behaviour is unacceptable.
What does “anomie” mean?
Normlessness, moral constraints are insufficient to limit individual desires. Specifically during times of great societal changes.
General Strain Theory gives two types of strain:
- Withholding of something people value
2. Actual/anticipation of negative stimuli
Chronic/repeated strain leads to…
a predisposition to crime
What are some strains conducive to crime? (6)
parental rejection, neglect, unemployment, deprevision, abuse, failure to achieve goals
The Chicago School of Sociology examined… (3)
crime as a social problem, ethnography, social ecology (people and their environment)
Social disorganisation is:
the inability of a community structure to realise the values of its residents and maintain social control.
In Differential Association what influences criminality?
Contextual social/cultural influence effects behaviour which influences criminality
Social Opportunity is a fusion of place-based work and what?
Strain Theory
According to social opportunity theory, criminal sub-cultures emerge when…
there are many illegitimate social opportunities.
Interactionism explains crime as a…
social process
In Interactionism, deviancy is created when…
society overreacts to minor rule-breaking
Social groups create deviance when they… (2)
make rules and creates punishment