What are the four parts that govern media and crime?
News media, public opinions, political decision-makers, special interest groups
News entities sift information in order to… (3)
Emphasize shock, titillate patrons and simplify events
What techniques do media use IOT create a good story? (5)
focus on the unusual, oversimplify the message, present the incidents as a representation of crime, use the “Mean World” syndrome, selecting specific victims/offenders to display.
What is populism?
the quality of appealing to/being aimed at ordinary people.
How does the temptation of populism cause one to succumb to it? (3)
populism claims to speak on behalf of the public, is emotional rather than rational, popular w/o the need for experts & responsibility, and is aligned with the demands of the media.
What are the five (5) moments of moral panic?
- Something/someone is defined as a threat to values/interests
- The threat is depicted in an easily recognisable form by the media
- The rapid build-up of public concern
- Official response
- Panic recedes or results in social change.
What is a positive influence of media?
It can help to draw attention to cases that are not widely discussed.
What is the potential dual effect of social media crime reporting groups?
feeling less or more safe after involvement in such group chats
What is Stan Cohens Deviancy Amplification Model? (6)
Initial Problem -> Initial Solution -> Societal Reaction -> Operation of Exploitation & creation of stereotypes -> increased deviance (polarisation) -> Confirmation of stereotypes