Social distribution of crime 4.6.10 Flashcards
Some ethnic minorities are more criminal
than white population in the UK. Explain one view supporting this that OCS is accurate
Lea and Young argue crime is caused by relative deprivation, marginalisation an s/cs
e/m are more likely to be unemployed so they suffer rd as they can’t afford the consumer products promoted by the media. They respond by forming s/cs which lead to util crimes such as theft. At the same time, they can feel marginalised as they lack an organisation to represent their views in society. Aar they feel frustration which leads to non util crimes such as violence.
2 reasons for high crime rate amongst the black population
Influence of mass media- particularly the influence of rap music’s emphasis o bling, violence, guns , sex, gangs and drugs which may lead to criminality
Family structure - Many live in LPF and lack of positive male role model may lead boys into crime + LPF tend to live in poverty which can also lead to crime
give 3 reasons why The legal system isn’t fair and ethnic
minorities are over-represented in OCS
because of prejudice, discrimination and
racism of the criminal justice system.
- Caution- black people are 7 times more likely to be stopped and searched than white people
- Trial -e/m are more likely to be out on trial in the Crown Court than the Magistrates Court, but the Crown Court imposes more severe sentences
- Prison- e.m are more likely to be imprisoned than white people and more likely to be serving longer sentences.
Gilroy -E/m are no more criminal than white groups
Black criminality is a myth created by racist stereotypes. The CJS is racist why is why the OCS over-represent black people as criminals. IN former British colonies, black people resisted the British empire and fought for their independence. Once they came to the UK and faced racism, they used the same resistance methods to fight against racism. Gilroy therefore claims that black crime is a form of political resistance against a racist society
Gilroy -E/m are no more criminal than white groups
Black criminality is a myth created by racist stereotypes. The CJS is racist why is why the OCS over-represent black people as criminals. IN former British colonies, black people resisted the British empire and fought for their independence. Once they came to the UK and faced racism, they used the same resistance methods to fight against racism. Gilroy therefore claims that black crime is a form of political resistance against a racist society
Sharp and Budd
black offenders are more likely to br arrested than white people because they are more ‘visible’ to the police as they are more likely to commit street crimes so can be identified by the victims
Sharp and Budd
black offenders are more likely to br arrested than white people because they are more ‘visible’ to the police as they are more likely to commit street crimes so can be identified by the victims
Sharp and Budd
black offenders are more likely to br arrested than white people because they are more ‘visible’ to the police as they are more likely to commit street crimes so can be identified by the victims
Sharp and Budd
black offenders are more likely to br arrested than white people because they are more ‘visible’ to the police as they are more likely to commit street crimes so can be identified by the victims
Outline three reasons why white collar crime and corporate
crime may have low levels of prosecution. [6 marks]
The media- gives limited coverage to WCC and CC which reinforces the view that crime is a w/c phenomenon they also use sanitised lang that presents WCC and CC as a technical infringement rather than a crime
Complexity of WCC and CC - which makes them difficult to investigate. For example,often team of expert investigators spend years trying to get down to the bottom of large scale fraud.
De-labelling - CC tend not to be criminalised , they are seen as civil rather than criminal offences. Even when they are prosecuted they are usually fined rather than face time in jail
2 explanation for w/c crime
trad marxism - w.c break the law bc theyre exploited which makes them poor, they also commit non-util crimes, they also commit non-util crimes bc they are frustrated
Lea and Young -wc are more likely to feel relatively deprived an dmarginalised and so join scs which lead to criminality.
explain why women are less criminal functionalist sex role theory
Parsons in the role of gender socialisation , girls have an adult role model to learn the feminine traits from. On the other hand to become masculine boys have to reject anything that is feminine such as being gentle, tender, caring and emotional. In order to prove their masculinity, boys engage in compensatory compulsory masculinity through aggression and acts of delinquency.New Right claim that this happens in female-headed lone parent families in which boys do not have a
positive male role model.
criticism of sex role theory
walklate criticises the sex role theory for basing its claim on bio differences between women when in fact these are socially constructed
2nd explan for women being less criminal
Heidensohn – women are less criminal than men because the society is patriarchal and it
imposes greater control over women’s lives which prevents them from breaking the law.
Women are controlled in three ways:
At home – women’s domestic role of housework and childcare imposes restrictions on
their time and movement as well as confining them to the home. This reduces their
opportunities to offend. Similarly, daughters are also subject to such control. They are
less likely to be allowed to come and go as they please or to stay out late. As a result they
develop a bedroom culture – socialising at home with friends rather than going out. Girls
are also expected to help around the house more than boys which keeps them busy. This
reduces their chances of offending.
women are as criminal as men
Chivalry thesis – Pollak argues that women are as
criminal as men.
However, the criminal justice system
treats them leniently when they break the law.
This is because most criminal justice system agents such as
police officers, magistrates and judges are men. Men are
socialised to be chivalrous – behave like gentlemen and treat
women as ladies.
As a result, when dealing with female offenders, the police
officers are more likely to issue cautions, while judges are less
likely to jail a female offender.
evaluation of pollack
walklate in rape cases the victims have to prove their respectability so it is they who are on trial not the offender
women are as criminal as men
Liberation theory – Adler – as women are increasingly becoming liberated from patriarchy, their crimes are becoming
as frequent and as serious as that of men.
This is because, with greater equality, women have started to take on traditionally male roles in both legitimate and illegitimate activities.
As a result, women are now committing more ‘typically’ male crimes such as violence and white-collar crime.
2 explanation for youth crime
Functionalists – A. Cohen – young, w/c, males - status frustration
Functionalists – C&O – young, w/c, males - blocked legitimate
opportunities so join s/c