social change Flashcards
processes to bring out social change
- drawing attention - miltant tactics, e.g chaining themselves to fences
- consistency - overtime and within group e.g did for 15 years , even if imprisoned
- deeper processing - internalisation
- augmentation principale - risk reinforces message, e.g went on hunger strikes
- snowball effect- more and more joining. e.g Pankhurst drew attention to it , 1918 - woman over 30 could vote, 1927, woman over 21 could vote
- social cryptomnesia - no memory of how .eg now we dont even remember how woman’s vote came about or the events leading up to it
lessons from conformity research
- aschs research showed importance of dissenting ,
unanmity broken = others encouraged to dissent
-nsi = influencial , if u want someone to conform, make them feel like they need to fit into the group e.g littler , e.g bin it, others do
obedience lesson
- gradual commitment
zimbardo said that if a small instruction is obeyed, its harder to disobey a bigger one
support , research
p- supports role of nsi in social change
e - Nolan et al, hung messages infrontof houses , key message = most residents are trying to reduce energy use
e- found signif energy decrease compared to control drop who saw message that said save energy, with no ref to others behaviours
l- conformity = leads to social change through nsi
limitation , method issues
p- methodological issues in research
e - explainations of sc, comes from studies from milgram Asch and moscovi
e- studies used artificial tasks+ controlled lab settings doesn’t reflect real world social change , + group dynamic isn’t realistic , as ppts are strangers rather than apart of real life communities
l- since these flawed studies form the basis of explanations of how social influence can lead to social change , the explanations may lack real lworld application , = weakens validity