resistance to social influence Flashcards
resistance to social influence
- ability for people to stop the pressure to confirm to a majority group/obey to authority figure by maintaining personal autonomy and intgreity I their thoughts decisions and actions
- overall conformity rate , 32
25% RSESISTED pressure to conform on every critical trial
- overall obedience rate , 65%,
35% resisted pressure to obey, by refusing to ive full 450v shock
what are the 2 explanations of resistance to social influence
- social support ( situational explanation)
- locus of control ( dispositional edxplaiton)
social support
- presence of others who resist pressures to conform/obey, helps others do the same, act as models
social support as an explanation for resisting influence- CONFORMITY
conformity- more likely to resist if there’s other ppl present not conforming, person acts a model
asch , = introduction of dissenter, broken unanimity of group, non conformist doesn’t have to be right , as long as they disagree with the majority
social support as an explanation for resisting influence- OBEDIENCE
- more likely to resist, if there’s another person disobeying,
miLGRAM =- PPT joined by ally who disobeyed experminemter , obedience fell from. 65 to just 10%
locus of control
- how far a person believes they’re in co tool of their own lives,
internal locus of control - confident dont need anyone else’s approval
external loc- believes in luck/fate, highly likely to conform
internal locus of control
internal locus of control - confident dont need anyone else’s approval
external locus of control
external loc- believes in luck/fate, highly likely to conform
strength of locus of control
p- research support
e- Allen and Levine , 64% ppts, refused to conform in Asch type task, when 1 person dissented, only 3% resisted when no supporter
e- having dissenter = allows ppl to be free from group pressure
l- valid explanation , can explain why ppl dont always conform/obey
strength loc
p- research support 2
e -holland , repeated milgrams study, with ppt who had high internal/exterminal loc
e- internals - greater resistance to authority , 37% didnt continue to highest shock voltage, only 23% of externals didnt continue
e- increases validity of loc explanation , shows resistance = related to loc
loc limitaiton
p- the factors present
e- rotter, loc only plays a part in situations that we aren’t familiar with
e- e.g if uve refused to conform with friends in past, probs will continue to do so even if u have high loc