social behaviour and play Flashcards
6 weeks
when to refer for not smiling
10 weeks
3 months
enjoys friendly handling
6 months
not shy
may put hand on bottle when being fed
7-8 months
puts food in mouth
9 months
takes everything to mouth
palys peek a boo
12 months
waves bye bye
plays pat a cake
drinks from cup
13-15 months
helps getting dressed/undressed
18 months
takes off shoes, hat but unable to replace
plays contentedly alone
uses spoon
2 years
competent with spoon
doesnt spill with cup
puts on hat and shoes
plays near others not with them
dru by day
4 years
can dress and undress independently except for laces and buttons
plays with other children
5 years
uses knife and fork
3 years
socially interactive
takes turns at play
uses spoon and fork