gross motor Flashcards
6 weeks
developing head control
3 months
little or no head lag on being pulled to sit
lying on abdomen, good head control
held sitting, lumbar curve
6 months
lying on abdomen, arms extended
lying on back, lifts and grasps feet
pulls self to sitting
held sitting, back straight
rolls front to back
7-8 months
sits without support
when to refer sits without support
12 months
9 months
pull to standing
12 months
walks with one hand held
13 - 15 months
walks unsupported
when to refer walks unsupported
18 months
18 months
squats to pick up a toy
2 years
runs and jumps
walks upstairs and downstairs holding onto rail
kicks a ball
3 years
rides a tricycle using pedals
walks upstairs and downstairs without holding on to rail
stand on one leg
4 years
hop on one leg
5 years