fine motor and vision Flashcards
6 weeks
palmer grasp present and equal on both sides
fixes and follows near midline
3 months
reaches for object
holds rattle briefly if given to hand
visually alert, particularly to human facs
dixes and follow beyond midline
6 months
palmar grasp
pas objects from one hand to another
visually insatiable, looking around in every direction
9 months
points with finger
early pincer
12 months
good pincer grip
bangs toys together
13-15 months
starts developing handedness,
when would you be concerned about hand dominance
<12 months - may suggest cerebral palsy
15 months
tower of 2
looks at books, pats page
18 months
tower of 3
draws straight scribble
turns pages of book, several at time
2 years
tower of 6
draws circular scribble
turns pages of book one at a time
2.5 years
copies line (vertical before horizontal)
3 years
tower of 9
copy circle
4 years
copies square and cross
5 years
copies triangle