Semi-structured interviews assist with differential diagnosis and in providing systematic assessment for a broad range of comorbid conditions that may affect the course of treatment
CSR (Clinician’s severity rating)
Rate distress and interference for each diagnosis (0-8). A CSR of 4 or higher suggests that the patient meets diagnostic criteria
BFNE (Brief fear of negative evaluation scale)
Measures concerns with social-evaluative threat (I am worried what others think of me)
SPDQ (Social phobia diagnostic questionnaire)
Rate social situations, fear and avoidance (from 0-4)
BSPS (Brief social phobia scale)
Measures symptoms of fear, avoidance and physiological arousal associated with social phobia. Assesses fear of being observed by others.
SIAS (Social interaction anxiety scale)
Fear of interacting in groups (rate from 0-4)
STABS (Social thoughts and beliefs scale)
Contains two-factor-analytically derived subscales: 1) Social Comparison, 2) Social ineptness (awkwardness)