ADIS (Anxiety disorders interview schedule)
Semi-structured diagnostic clinical interview for anxiety disorders
MINI (Mini international neuropsychiatric interview)
Assess most anxiety, mood, eating, substance use and psychotic disorders. Very specific close-ended questions. Administration time: 15-25 min
PRIME-MD (Primary care evaluation of mental disorders)
Is a brief semi-structured interview specifically designed for primary care medical practitioners
GADQ (Generalized anxiety disorder questionnaire)
symptoms of DSM5, frequency and intensity
PSWQ (Penn State worry questionnaire)
16-items assessing excessiveness, severity of chronic worrry (not specific worry)
WDQ (Worry domains questionnaire)
Measures the overall degree of worry, as well as specific areas: relationships, confidence, future, work, finance
META-WORRY: The anxious thoughts inventory
22 items that measure worry about specific topics e.g., social, health, meta worry
Reasons to worry questionnaire
Developed to examine if people with GAD and people without it had different perceptions regarding a topic
VLQ (Valued living questionnaire)
how the client undertands their anxiety, focuses on the future instead of the present