Social And Diversity Flashcards
America has been called the most diverse country on the face of our planet. Counseling a client from a different social and/or cultural background is known as
a. cross-cultural counseling.
b. multicultural counseling.
c. intercultural counseling.
d. all of the above.
All of the above.
Culture refers to
a. customs shared by a group which distinguish it from other groups.
b. values shared by a group that are learned from others in the group.
c. attitudes, beliefs, art, and language which characterize members of a group often passed from generation to generation.
d. all of the above.
All of the above.
Our culture is more diverse than in the past. Multicultural counselors often work with persons who are culturally different. This means the client
a. is culturally biased.
b. suffers from the diagnosis of cultural relativity.
c. belongs to a different culture from the helper.
d. presents problems which deal only with culturally charged
Belongs to a different culture from the helper.
In order to diagnose clients from a different culture
a. the counselor ideally will need some information regarding the specifics of the culture.
b. the counselor will find the DSM useless.
c. the counselor should rely heavily on cultural epoch theory.
d. NBCC ethics prohibit the use of DSM diagnosis.
The counselor ideally will need some information regarding the specifics of the culture.
In the United States, each socioeconomic group represents
a. a separate race.
b. a separate culture.
c. the concept of color blindness.
d. a separate national cultur
A separate culture.
Which therapist was not instrumental in the early years of the social psychology movement?
a. Freud.
b. Durkheim.
c. McDougall.
d. Berne.
________ and ________ would say that regardless of culture, humans have an instinct to fight.
a. Maslow;Rogers
b. Ellis;Harper
c. Freud;Lorenz
d. Glasser;Rogers
Freud believed that man was basically driven by the instincts of sex and aggression. Lorenz—partially basing his theory on the fact that certain tropical fish will attack an alternate target even when the actual target of aggression is removed—is another believer in the so-called “innate aggression theory.”
________ believe that aggression is learned. Thus, a child who witnesses aggressive behavior in adults may imitate the aggressive behavior.
a. Instincttheorists
b. Innate aggression theorists
c. Social learning theorists
d. Followers of Erik Erikson
Social learning theorists
The social learning theory contradicts the “innate/ instinct aggression theory” by emphasizing the environment rather than genetics or inborn tendencies. This model is generally associated with the work of Albert Bandura and his associates, who noted that children who viewed live or filmed aggression imitated the behavior. This is known as social learning theory or observational learning.
The APGA, which became the AACD until 1992 and is now the
ACA, contributed to the growth of cross-cultural counseling by
a. the 1972 formation of the Association for Non-White Concerns in Personnel and Guidance, later known as the Association for Multicultural Counseling and Development.
b. the 1972 ethic which made it unethical to see culturally different clients without three hours of relevant graduate work in this area.
c. the 1972 ethic which required a 3,000-hour practicum in order to work with culturally different clients.
d. urging nonwhites to take graduate counseling courses.
The 1972 formation of the Association for Non-White Concerns in Personnel and Guidance, later known as the Association for Multicultural Counseling and Development.
The Civil Rights Act of 1964 (P.L. 88–352) prohibiting discrimination for reasons of gender, race, religion, or national origin was instrumental in terms of setting the stage for minority concerns.
Daniel Levinson proposed a controversial stage-crisis view theory with several major life transitions. He
a. is the father of multicultural counseling.
b. wrote the 1978 classic Seasons of a Man’s Life and the 1997
sequel Seasons of a Woman’s Life.
c. postulated a midlife crisis for men between ages 40 and 45
and for women approximately five years earlier.
d. b and c.
B and C.
The three factors which enhance interpersonal attraction are:
a. assertiveness, anxiety, ego strength.
b. close proximity, physical attraction, similar beliefs.
c. culture, race, assertiveness.
d. ego strength, anxiety, race.
Close proximity, physical attraction, similar beliefs.
The term contextualism implies that
a. multicultural counseling is the oldest subspecialty in the profession.
b. behavior must be assessed in the context of the culture in which the behavior occurs.
c. the notion of worldview is highly inaccurate.
d. projective tests are more accurate than objective measures
when performing cross-cultural counseling.
Behavior must be assessed in the context of the culture in which the behavior occurs.
Carol Gilligan, although she was an assistant to Lawrence Kohlberg, was critical of his theory of moral development
a. as she felt it was too psychoanalytic.
b. as she felt it was too behavioristic.
c. as she felt it was not applicable to African Americans.
d. as she felt it was more applicable to males than females.
As she felt it was more applicable to males than females.
________ helped to popularize the multicultural counseling movement.
a. Arthur Jensen’s views on IQ testing (also known as Jensenism)
b. The civil rights movement
c. Jung’s feeling that all men and women from all cultures
possess a collective unconscious
d. TheTarasoffduty
The civil rights movement
When a counselor speaks of a probable outcome in a case, he or she is technically referring to
a. the prognosis.
b. the diagnosis.
c. the intervention.
d. attending behavior.
The prognosis.
Prognosis refers to the probability that one can recover from a condition. When charting in a client’s file the counselor would do well to discuss the length of treatment and the status expected at the end of treatment.
When a counselor speaks of what he or she believes must transpire from a psychotherapeutic standpoint, he or she technically is referring to
a. recommendations.
b. the diagnosis.
c. the prognosis.
d. the notion of transference.
One difficulty with formal diagnosis (i.e., using the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) of the American Psychiatric Association) is that a given diagnosis does not imply or recommend a given treatment process. The DSM will not tell you, for example, to treat a major depression with reality therapy or an adjustment disorder with anxious mood using a client-centered approach.
The 1971 famous Stanford Prison experiment conducted by Philip Zimbardo demonstrated that
a. passivity is the norm for most individuals.
b. assertive behavior is clearly the healthiest behavioral
c. it takes people several weeks to change their behavior.
d. people conform to social roles.
People conform to social roles.
A wealth of research demonstrates that
a. surprisingly enough, African Americans generally request Asian American counselors.
b. surprisingly enough, Asian Americans generally request African American counselors.
c. in most instances, clients prefer a counselor of the same race and a similar cultural background.
d. in most instances, clients prefer a counselor of the same race, yet a different culture.
In most instances, clients prefer a counselor of the same race and a similar cultural background.
The frustration-aggression theory is associated with
a. Albert Ellis.
b. Robert Havinghurst, who created the idea of the
developmental task concept.
c. Eric Berne, the creator of transactional analysis (TA).
d. John Dollard and Neal Miller.
John Dollard and Neal Miller.
Frustration occurs when an individual is blocked so that he or she cannot reach an intended goal (or the goal is removed). The Dollard/Miller hypothesis asserts that frustration leads to aggression.
A popular cognitive consistency or balance theory in social psychology is ________ cognitive dissonance theory.
a. Dollard and Miller’s
b. Crites and Roe’s
c. Festinger’s
d. Holland and Super’s
The concept of balance theory suggests that people strive for consistency/balance in terms of their belief systems. Simply put, individuals attempt to reduce or eliminate inconsistent or incompatible actions and beliefs.
Culture is really a set of rules, procedures, ideas, and values shared by members of a society. Culture is said to be normative. This implies that
a. one culture will have norms which differ only slightly from another.
b. culture excludes customs.
c. culture provides individuals with standards of conduct.
d. culture is never socially learned.
Culture provides individuals with standards of conduct.
Cultures often differ markedly from each other, and most experts would agree that the customs are nearly always learned and shared with members of the society.
A statistical norm measures actual conduct, while a cultural norm
a. describes how people are supposed to act.
b. has little to do with expectations.
c. is irrelevant when counseling a client.
d. all of the above.
Describes how people are supposed to act.
Mores are beliefs and social customs
a. regarding the rightness or wrongness of behavior.
b. which should be the central focus in multicultural
c. that are conscious decisions made by persons in power.
d. that are identical with the folkways in the culture.
Regarding the rightness or wrongness of behavior.
Mores—the plural of mos, which is rarely used in the literature— develop as a given group decides what is good and bad for the welfare of the people. People are generally punished for violating the mores.
________ was the first pioneer to focus heavily on sociocultural issues.
a. Mark Savickas, a major figure in career construction theory relying on narrative therapy,
b. Alfred Adler, the father of individual psychology,
c. Maxie Maultsby, the father of rational behavior therapy (RBT),
d. Frank Parsons, the father of guidance,
Frank Parsons, the father of guidance,
Frank Parsons and his associates are considered the first social reformers concerned with guidance in the United States. He wrote Choosing a Vocation.
A counselor who is part of a research study will be counseling clients in the polar regions and then at a point near the equator. Her primary concern will be
a. universal culture.
b. National culture.
c. ecological culture.
d. b and c.
B and C.
Biological similarities and sameness are indicated by
a. ecological culture.
b. mores.
c. regional and national culture.
d. universal culture.
Universal culture.
The Human Genome Project has verified that biologically we are all more alike than different. The adept multicultural counselor will always keep in mind that he or she—like the client—is a product of universal culture.
Early vocalization in infants
a. is more complex in African American babies.
b. is more complex in white babies.
c. is nearly identical in all cultures around the globe.
d. is the finest indicator of elementary school performance.
Is nearly identical in all cultures around the globe.
According to the foot-in-the-door compliance technique, which has two distinct steps, a counselor who needs to make a home visit to a resistant client’s home
a. should conduct the interview from the porch.
b. should double-bind the client.
c. should ask to come in the home.
d. should exude accurate empathy, but never ask to enter the
Should ask to come in the home.
Most countries have an official language, a stated viewpoint, and
a central government. This is reflected mainly by
a. National culture.
b. human culture.
c. regional culture.
d. ecological culture.
National culture.
Whereas a culture is defined primarily via norms and values, a society differs from a culture in that a society
a. is defined as a set of mores.
b. has a distinct lack of norms.
c. is a self-perpetuating independent group which occupies a
definitive territory.
d. none of the above.
Is a self-perpetuating independent group which occupies a
definitive territory.
a. uses one’s own culture as a yardstick to measure all others.
b. means race.
c. is a genetic term.
d. all of the above.
Uses one’s own culture as a yardstick to measure all others.
Again, ethnocentrism conveys the notion that one’s own group is superior.
All of these statements are ethnocentric except
a. You can’t trust anyone over the age of 40.
b. Americans are generous.
c. Blue-collar workers are mean and selfish.
d. The Gross Domestic Product in the United States exceeds
the figure in Mexico.
The Gross Domestic Product in the United States exceeds the figure in Mexico.
Ethnocentrism was clearly expressed in the World War II joke which suggested that Hitler couldn’t build a race of supermen because Superman could only be an American.
a. is not universal.
b. promotes a sense of patriotism and national sovereignty.
c. promotes stability and pride, yet danger in the nuclear age.
d. b and c.
B and C.
Ethnocentrism is truly a universal phenomenon in which an ethnic group tries to prove it is superior.
Regardless of culture, the popular individual
a. has good social skills.
b. values race over ethnicity.
c. dresses in the latest styles.
d. never possesses a modal personality.
Has good social skills.
A modal personality is the personality which is characteristic or typical of the group in question.
Social exchange theory postulates that
a. a relationship will endure if both parties are assertive.
b. a relationship will endure if the rewards are greater than
the costs.
c. a relationship will endure if both parties are sexually
attracted to each other.
d. men work harder to keep a relationship strong.
A relationship will endure if the rewards are greater than the costs.
Social exchange theory assumes that rewards are things or factors we like, while costs are things we dislike. The theory assumes that a positive relationship is characterized by “profit.”
Balance theory postulates
a. a move from cognitive consistency to inconsistency.
b. a move from cognitive inconsistency to consistency.
c. a tendency to achieve a balanced cognitive state.
d. b and c.
B and C.
Here’s a mini-review: Inconsistent thoughts are often referred to as “dissonance.” Most counselors agree that dissonance is a distasteful state of mind which the individual will attempt to change.
Most individuals believe that people whom they perceive as attractive
a. are nonassertive.
b. are aggressive.
c. have other positive traits.
d. are socially adept but not very intelligent.
Have other positive traits.
A counselor who works primarily with older adults needs to be aware that
a. too many counselors choose gerontology as their specialty.
b. individuals over 65 tend to overuse hotline and helpline
crisis counseling services.
c. surprisingly, attractiveness is a fine predictor of retirement
d. surprisingly, financial security and health are the best
predictors of retirement adjustment.
Surprisingly, financial security and health are the best predictors of retirement adjustment.
Most experts would agree that a multicultural counselor’s diagnosis
a. must be performed without regard to cultural issues.
b. must be done within a cultural context.
c. a and b.
d. none of the above.
Must be done within a cultural context.
A counselor who is seeing a client from a different culture would most likely expect ________ social conformity than he or she would from a client from his or her own culture.
a. less
b. more
c. thesame
d. morerealistic
We demand more rigid standards from our own culture.
In terms of diagnosis,
a. a client’s behavior could be sane and appropriate in one culture, yet disturbed and bizarre in another.
b. culture is irrelevant in children under 14.
c. culture is an issue with males, but not with females.
d. culture is an issue with females, but not with males.
A client’s behavior could be sane and appropriate in one culture, yet disturbed and bizarre in another.
In the United States, a frequent practice is to see a perfect stranger for therapy.
a. This trend seems to be true in any area of the world.
b. This is true for Licensed Professional Counselors (LPCs) but not true for Licensed Clinical Social Workers (LCSWs).
c. This is true for LPCs and LCSWs but not licensed clinical
d. In other cultures it would not be the norm to see a stranger
and receive pay for providing help.
In other cultures it would not be the norm to see a stranger and receive pay for providing help.
In E. Fuller Torrey’s thought-provoking book The Mind Game: Witch Doctors and Psychiatrists he explains that in Nigeria, helpers have accepted a female client as a wife in lieu of a fee! He also notes that in other cultures a therapist cannot accept a fee unless the treatment is successful.
According to the cognitive dissonance theory of Leon Festinger, a woman has an approach–approach conflict. She has her choice of a beautiful silver watch and an equally stunning gold watch. Both are different brands. She feels the silver model will be perfect for some of her jewelry and outfits while the gold is ideal for other jewelry and modes of dress. She chooses the silver watch.
a. She will feel intense guilt.
b. She will read positive reviews on the silver watch—and possibly negative reviews about the gold model—after the purchase to justify her behavior and reduce post-decisional
c. According to the theory she will remain a tad ambivalent
about her choice.
d. She will be angry because in reality she wanted both
watches, but could not afford them.
She will read positive reviews on the silver watch—and possibly negative reviews about the gold model—after the purchase to justify her behavior and reduce post-decisional dissonance.
A woman who is being robbed
a. would probably get the most assistance in a crowd with a large number of bystanders.
b. would find that the number of people who would respond to her distress actually decreases as the number of bystanders increases.
c. would rarely have a bystander from a different race try to help her.
d. none of the above.
Would find that the number of people who would respond to her distress actually decreases as the number of bystanders increases.
A counselor reading this book says, “I couldn’t care less about
passing my comprehensive exam.” This
a. is displacement.
b. is an attempt to reduce dissonance via consistent cognitions.
c. is an attempt to reduce dissonance by denial, thus minimizing tension.
d. is projection.
Is an attempt to reduce dissonance by denial, thus minimizing tension.
The statement “Even though my car is old and doesn’t run well, it sure keeps my insurance payments low”
a. is displacement.
b. is an attempt to reduce dissonance via consistent cognitions.
c. is projection.
d. would never reduce dissonance in an individual.
Is an attempt to reduce dissonance via consistent cognitions.
In the case of an individual who purchased a $50,000 watch, cognitive dissonance theory postulates that
a. he or she might ignore positive information regarding other models and secure a lot of information regarding the $50,000 platinum model.
b. he or she might sell the $50,000 watch immediately following the purchase.
c. he or she might focus heavily on negative information regarding rival models.
d. a and c.
A and C.
Remember: cognitive dissonance theory predicts that the person will look for things which are consistent with his or her behavior.
In the United States, middle- and upper-class citizens seem to want a counselor who
a. will give them “a good talking to.”
b. gives a specific and steady stream of advice.
c. helps them work it out on their own.
d. is highly authoritarian and autocratic.
Helps them work it out on their own.
The theory here is that most middle- and upper-class citizens are taught that independence is a virtue.
In a traditional culture which places a high premium on authority figures,
a. passivity on the part of the counselor would be viewed in a negative manner.
b. a client would be disappointed if he or she did not receive advice.
c. assigning homework and teaching on the part of the counselor would be appropriate.
d. all of the above.
All of the above.
An active-directive model works best with persons who respond well to an authority figure.
Cognitive dissonance research deals mainly with
a. attraction.
b. cognition and attitude formation.
c. cognitions and emotion.
d. none of the above.
Cognition and attitude formation.
The notion is that the discrepancies or inconsistencies that create tension are caused by cognitions and attitudes.
Parents who do not tolerate or use aggression when raising children produce
a. less-aggressive children.
b. more-aggressive children.
c. passive-aggressive children.
d. passive-dependent children.
Less-aggressive children.
Children who are abused by their parents are more likely to be abusers when they have children of their own. Remember that counselors are legally required to report child abuse, neglect, sexual abuse, or exploitation.
Overall, Rogerian person-centered counseling
a. is rarely utilized in cross-cultural counseling.
b. is too nondirective for intercultural counseling.
c. a and b.
d. has been used more than other models to help promote
understanding between cultures and races.
Has been used more than other models to help promote
understanding between cultures and races.
In intercultural/multicultural counseling the term therapeutic surrender means
a. nothing—it is not a valid term.
b. most therapists will give up in 16 sessions or less if progress
is not evident.
c. the client psychologically surrenders himself or herself to a
counselor from a different culture and becomes open with
feelings and thoughts.
d. the therapist assumes a passive therapeutic stance.
The client psychologically surrenders himself or herself to a counselor from a different culture and becomes open with
feelings and thoughts.
Therapeutic surrender occurs when a client is able to trust the counselor and self-discloses.
The literature suggests these factors as helpful in promoting therapeutic surrender:
a. an analysis of cognitive dissonance.
b. rapport, trust, listening, conquering client resistance, and
c. paradoxing the client.
d. analyzing flight-to-health defense mechanism variables.
Rapport, trust, listening, conquering client resistance, and
In terms of trust and therapeutic surrender,
a. it is easier to trust people from one’s own culture.
b. lower-income people often don’t trust others from a higher
social class.
c. lower-income clients may feel that they will end up as losers dealing with a counselor from a higher social class.
d. all of the above.
All of the above.
Language barriers, on the part of the client or the counselor, intensify the difficulty of therapeutic surrender. One good technique is to steer clear of slang or fancy therapeutic jargon and try to speak in a clear, concise, and direct manner.
A(n) ________ client would most likely have the most difficulty with self-disclosure when speaking to a white counselor.
a. white female
b. African American female
c. African American male
d. upper-class white male
African American male.
Males in general sometimes have difficulty expressing feelings. According to the literature, African American males are especially hesitant about revealing themselves to whites.
According to assimilation-contrast theory, a client will perceive a counselor’s statement that is somewhat like his or her own beliefs as even more similar (i.e., an assimilation error). He or she would perceive any dissimilar attitudes as
a. even more dissimilar (i.e., a contrast error).
b. standardization.
c. similar to his or her own.
d. paraphrasing.
Even more dissimilar (i.e., a contrast error).
In any case, if a counselor is highly regarded and trustworthy, his or her statements will be better accepted than if the helper has poor credibility.
When counseling a client from a different culture, a common error is made when negative transference
a. is interpreted as positive transference.
b. is interpreted as therapeutic resistance.
c. is interpreted as white privilege.
d. none of the above.
Is interpreted as therapeutic resistance.
Counselors who have good listening skills
a. facilitate therapeutic surrender.
b. hinder therapeutic surrender.
c. often have a monolithic perspective.
d. are too nondirective to promote therapeutic surrender.
Facilitate therapeutic surrender.
Counselors can more easily advise
a. clients from their own culture.
b. clients from a different culture.
c. clients of a different race.
d. clients utilizing ethnocentric statements.
Clients from their own culture.
It’s easiest to empathize with
a. a client who is similar to you.
b. a client who is dissimilar to you.
c. Latino/aclients.
d. Asian American male clients.
A client who is similar to you.
In cross-cultural counseling, structuring is very important. This concept asserts that counseling is most effective
a. when structured exercises are utilized.
b. when a counselor takes an active–directive stance.
c. when nondirective procedures are emphasized.
d. when the nature and structure of the counseling situation
is described during the initial session.
When the nature and structure of the counseling situation is described during the initial session.
In the context of multicultural counseling, structure indicates that the counselor will explain the role of the helper as well as the role of the helpee. This helps ward off embarrassment and further enhances the effectiveness of the counseling process.
A client from another culture will
a. talk to the counselor the same as he or she would to a peer.
b. speak to the counselor differently from the way he or she would when speaking to someone of his or her own
c. generally use slang on purpose to confuse the counselor. d. generally play dumb to receive the counselor’s sympathy.
Speak to the counselor differently from the way he or she would when speaking to someone of his or her own
Often individuals are courteous and polite with those who are of the same cultural origin, but are suspicious and don’t trust outsiders.
An African American client tells a white counselor that the dance she went to last night was “bad,” though she literally means it was good. The counselor’s misunderstanding could best be described as a
a. client of color error.
b. cognitive dissonance error.
c. connotative error.
d. confounding variable.
Connotative error.
Connotation applies to the emotional content of a word, which is different from the true or dictionary definition.
A monolingual U.S. counselor
a. speaks only English.
b. speaks English and Spanish.
c. works as a counseling interpreter.
d. fits the definition of bilingual.
Speaks only English.
________ was a prime factor in the history of multicultural counseling.
a. Frankl’s experience in a concentration camp
b. Perl’s use of the German concept of gestalt
c. Freud’s visits to the United States
d. The 1954 Supreme Court decision, Brown v. the Board of. Education, which outlawed public school segregation
The 1954 Supreme Court decision, Brown v. the Board of. Education, which outlawed public school segregation.
Multicultural counseling promotes
a. eclecticism.
b. rigidity.
c. psychodynamic models.
d. neurolinguistic programming (NLP).
An “eclectic” position (i.e., selecting treatment intervention strategies from diverse counseling models) would generally come closest to meeting this requirement.
Multicultural counselors often adhere to the emic viewpoint. The word emic
a. is associated with the Supreme Court decision of 1954 outlawing segregation.
b. suggests that all clients are alike regardless of culture.
c. is associated with rational behavior therapy (RBT).
d. is a “culture-specific” perspective, from the word phonemic
meaning sounds in a particular language.
Is a “culture-specific” perspective, from the word phonemic meaning sounds in a particular language.
Emic can be defined as an insider’s perception of the culture.
A practicum supervisor who says to his or her supervisee “You can deal with your Asian American clients the same as you deal with anybody else” is espousing the
a. Emic viewpoint.
b. alloplastic viewpoint.
c. etic viewpoint, derived from the term phonetic referring to
sounds that remain the same in any language.
d. auto plastic viewpoint.
Etic viewpoint, derived from the term phonetic referring to
sounds that remain the same in any language.
Counselors who espouse the etic viewpoint will use the same strategies and techniques on virtually any client. In this case, for example, the Asian American client will be treated no differently from an American, a Native American, a French Canadian, or for that matter anybody else.
The statement “All humans, from all cultures, all races, and all nations, are more alike than different” is based on the
a. emic viewpoint.
b. alloplastic viewpoint.
c. etic viewpoint.
d. auto plastic viewpoint.
Etic viewpoint.
A counselor is confronted with his or her first Native American client. Native Americans (also called American Indians on some exams) are descendants of the original inhabitants of North America. After the initial session, the counselor secures several books which delineate the cultural aspects of Native American life. She discovers that there are over 560 federally recognized tribes in the United States. This counselor most likely believes in the
a. emic viewpoint.
b. alloplastic viewpoint.
c. Etic viewpoint.
d. auto plastic viewpoint.
Emic viewpoint.
The “emic” view holds that an approach which is culturally specific is generally the most effective.
An Asian American counselor says to an African American client, “If you’re unhappy with the system, get out there and rebel. You can change the system.” This is the ________ viewpoint for coping with the environment.
a. emic
b. alloplastic
c. etic
d. autoplastic
The “autoplastic” view asserts that change comes from the self such as thoughts and behaviors, while the “alloplastic” conceptualization is that the client can cope best by changing or altering external factors in the environment (as alluded to in this question).
A young Latino male is the victim of discrimination. His coun- selor remarks, “I hear what you are saying and I will help you change your thinking so this will not have such a profound impact on you.” In this case the counselor had suggested
a. an alloplastic method of coping.
b. an autoplastic method of coping.
c. the emic–etic distinction.
d. the emic viewpoint.
An autoplastic method of coping.
You are counseling a client from a different culture. She cannot move her right arm, but has been examined by some of the finest physicians and they cannot find any physical reason for her condition. The irony is that she is there to work on some personal issues but states forthrightly that the total lack of mobility in her arm does not bother her and thus is not an issue to deal with in the counseling sessions. The most likely explanation would be
a. she is displaying malingering.
b. she was severely abused as a young child.
c. she is suicidal.
d. she has a conversion disorder with la belle indifference.
She has a conversion disorder with la belle indifference.
A conversion disorder is evident when a person displays symptoms (generally neurological) which cannot be accounted for via medical exams. In essence, a medical diagnosis shows no reason for the individual’s condition. Clients with conversion disorders sometimes display la belle indifference also called belle indifference, meaning they do not seem to be bothered or concerned by their condition.
Positive transference is to love or affection, as negative transference is to hostility, and as ambivalent transference is to
a. anger.
b. hate.
c. uncertainty.
d. admiration.
The word personalism in the context of multicultural counseling means
a. all people must adjust to environmental and geological demands.
b. the counselor must adjust to the client’s cultural mores.
c. a counselor who personalizes the treatment is most
d. biologically speaking, there is no reason why humans must
adjust to environmental demands.
All people must adjust to environmental and geological demands.
Culture must mold itself such that individuals can best thrive and survive in a given environment. Personalism implies that the counselor will make the best progress if he or she sees the client primarily as a person who has learned a set of survival skills rather than as a diseased patient.
A client whose counselor pushes the alloplastic viewpoint may believe his counselor is simply
a. too Rogerian.
b. attacking the system.
c. too Freudian.
d. too cognitive.
Attacking the system.
The salient point here is that generally a synthesis, rather than a pure alloplastic or autoplastic position, will be the most effective.
Good multicultural counselors are
a. flexible.
b. rigid.
c. utilize Eric Berne’s transactional analysis (TA), Fritz Perl’s
gestalt therapy, and/or William Glasser’s reality therapy in
nearly every case.
d. generally behavioristic.
A client remarks, “Hey, I’m African American and it’s nearly impossible to hide it.” This is illustrative of the fact that
a. race is not the same as ethnicity.
b. race and ethnicity are virtually identical.
c. a connotative impediment exists.
d. severe ambivalent transference exists.
Race is not the same as ethnicity.
Experts in the field of multicultural counseling feel that the counselor’s training
a. must come from an APA-approved graduate program.
b. must come from a supervisor who is from a different
culture than the graduate student.
c. should be broad and interdisciplinary.
d. need not include rational-emotive behavior therapy
Should be broad and interdisciplinary.
Doing cross-cultural counseling
a. makes counselors increasingly aware of cultural differences.
b. allows counselors to see that culture is merely a matter of semantics.
c. is different since clients are more likely to return for help after the first session.
d. allows counselors to ignore the concept of pluralism.
Makes counselors increasingly aware of cultural differences.
Floyd Henry Allport created the concept of social facilitation. According to this theory, an individual who is given the task of memorizing a list of numbers will
a. perform better if he or she is alone.
b. perform better if he or she is part of a group.
c. perform better if he or she has undergone psychotherapy.
d. perform better if he or she is an auditory learner.
Perform better if he or she is part of a group.
This is indeed an interesting phenomenon. The presence of other persons (e.g., coworkers, other athletes, fellow students) improves an individual’s performance even when there is no verbal interaction!
In social psychology, the sleeper effect asserts that
a. sleep learning facilitates social skills.
b. after a period of time, one forgets the communicator but
remembers the message.
c. after a period of time, one remembers the communicator
but forgets the message.
d. REM sleep facilitates insight.
After a period of time, one forgets the communicator but remembers the message.
Perhaps more importantly, the so-called sleeper effect asserts that when you are attempting to change someone’s opinion the change may not occur immediately after the verbal exchange. In other words, when a counselor provides guidance to a client a delay may occur before the client accepts the message.
In 1908, books by ________ helped to introduce social psychology in America.
a. Moreno and Yalom
b. Holland and Roe
c. Barber and Salter
d. McDougall and Ross
McDougall and Ross.
________ is associated with obedience and authority.
a. Stanley Milgram, a noted psychologist,
b. Arthur Janov, who created primal scream therapy,
c. A. T. Beck, a cognitive therapy pioneer,
d. Robert Harper, a pioneer in the REBT bibliotherapy
Stanley Milgram, a noted psychologist,
Milgram discovered that normal people would administer seemingly fatal electric shocks to others when instructions to do so were given by a person perceived as
a. a peer.
b. an equal.
c. an individual from another culture.
d. an authority figure.
An authority figure.
The tendency to affiliate with others
a. is highest in the middle child.
b. is highest in children with DSM diagnoses.
c. is highest in firstborns and only children.
d. is based on hormonal output.
Is highest in firstborns and only children.
In the behavioral sciences the word affiliation refers to the need one has to associate with others
A client tells his counselor that he has a choice of entering one of two prestigious PhD counseling programs. Kurt Lewin would call this an
a. approach–avoidance conflict.
b. approach–approach conflict.
c. avoidance–avoidance conflict.
d. avoidance vector.
Approach–approach conflict.
In the approach–approach format (suggested in this question) the individual is presented with two equally attractive options simultaneously.
When a person has two negative alternatives, it is called an
a. approach–approach conflict.
b. approach vector.
c. avoidance–avoidance conflict.
d. avoidance cohesiveness.
Avoidance–avoidance conflict.
A male client tells his counselor that he is attracted to “a gorgeous woman who is violent and chemically dependent.” This creates an
a. approach–avoidance conflict.
b. avoidance–avoidance conflict.
c. avoidance of life space.
d. approach affiliation.
Approach–avoidance conflict.
According to Charles Osgood and Percy Tannenbaum’s congruity theory, a client will accept suggestions more readily if
a. the client likes the counselor.
b. the client dislikes the counselor.
c. the client distrusts the counselor.
d. the counselor is in a higher economic bracket.
The client likes the counselor.
An adept multicultural counselor
a. generally believes in the melting pot concept.
b. has a strong ethnocentric worldview.
c. will not ask the client for information related to religion or
level of faith development.
d. usually supports the salad bowl model of diversity.
Usually supports the salad bowl model of diversity.
In the salad bowl analogy—preferred over the antiquated melting pot notion— people are mixed together, but like lettuce and tomatoes in a salad, they retain their unique cultural identity.
A classic experiment in social psychology was conducted by the social psychologist Muzafer Sherif et al. at a boys’ summer camp near Robbers’ Cave, Oklahoma. The important finding in this study was that
a. most people cooperate in a social setting.
b. competition plays a small role in most of our lives.
c. a and b.
d. a cooperative, or so-called superordinate, goal attained only by working in a joint manner, can bring two hostile groups together, thus reducing competition and enhancing
A cooperative, or so-called superordinate, goal attained only by working in a joint manner, can bring two hostile groups together, thus reducing competition and enhancing cooperation.
Sometimes loosely called the Robbers’ Cave Experiment, this study set up two distinct groups of 11-year-old boys who were hostile toward each other. The study concluded that the most effective way to reduce hostility between groups was to give them an alternative, a superordinate goal, which required a joint effort and could not be accomplished by a single group.
Sex-role stereotyping would imply that
a. a counselor would only consider traditional feminine careers for his female client.
b. a male counselor would rate a female client’s emotional status differently than he would a male client’s.
c. female clients are treated the same as male clients.
d. choices a and b.
Choices A and B.
The statement “whites are better than African Americans” illustrates
a. a weakening of the caste system in the U.S.
b. racism.
c. sexism.
d. codependency.
In terms of research related to affiliation
a. misery loves miserable company.
b. firstborns are more likely to affiliate than other children
born later.
c. people affiliate in an attempt to lower fear.
d. all of the above.
All of the above.
Six persons attend a counseling group. After the group, five members praise the merits of a group activity assigned by the group leader. The sixth person, who has heard the opinion of the other five people, felt the activity was useless and boring. According to studies on social behavior, about one third of the time the sixth individual would most likely tell the other five that
a. he totally disagreed with their assessment.
b. he too felt the group activity was very helpful.
c. he really wasn’t certain how he felt about the activity.
d. a and c.
A and C.
This question is illustrative of an Asch situation.
Experiments by Solomon Asch and Muzafer Sherif would predict that the person would most likely “sell out” and agree with the other five.
The client who would most likely engage in introspection would be a
a. 52-year-old, single, African American male school administrator.
b. 49-year-old, white homeless male.
c. 40-year-old, divorced white female who is out of work and
has three children.
d. 19-year-old Latina mother on welfare with two children.
52-year-old, single, African American male school administrator.
The key to this question is to focus on social class rather than acculturation (i.e., integrating one’s own cultural beliefs and behaviors with the dominant culture), minority status, or sex. Clients in higher social classes have more time to “look within themselves” (introspect) since they need not dwell as much on external survival needs.
A Japanese client who was reluctant to look you in the eye during her counseling session would most likely be displaying
a. severe negative transference.
b. positivetransference.
c. normal behavior within the context of her culture.
d. ambivalenttransference.
Normal behavior within the context of her culture.