Social and Cultural Diversity Flashcards
What ACA division deals explicitly with Social and Cultural Diversity?
Association for Mutlicultural Counseling and Development (AMCD)
Multicultural counseling is AKA
the Fourth Force of Counseling
Term often used to suggest that a minority cultural group will keep their own unique cultural values, yet they still participate in the wider or dominant culture.
Cultural Pluralism
REVIEW: Counseling a client from a different social and/or cultural background is known as
a. cross-cultural counseling.
b. multicultural counseling.
c. intercultural counseling
D. all of the above
the father of transactional analysis
Eric Berne
Author of “Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego”
One of the founders of modern sociology …
Emile Durkheim
Author of “Rules of Sociological Method”
Author of “Suicide”
Who is said to have taken group phenomena beyond the
armchair-speculation stage into formal research?
Father of hormic psychology, Darwinian viewpoint which suggested that individuals in or out of groups are driven by innate, inherited tendencies
William McDougall
Author of “Introduction to Social Psychology”
William McDougall (eugenicist; instinct theorist)
Two proponents of “innate aggression theory”
Freud and Lorenz (tropical fish)
________________ proposed a controversial stage-crisis view theory with several major life transitions
David Levinson
wrote the 1978 classic “Seasons of a Man’s Life” and the 1997 sequel “Seasons of a Woman’s Life”
David Levinson
Social psychologists refer to the tendency for people who are in close proximity (say working at the same office or living close) to be attracted to each other as …
Arthur Jensen’s views on IQ testing (also known as
Jensenism) was geared toward proving …
African Americans have lower IQ due to genetics
Name associated with the 1971 Stanford Prison Experiment
Philip Zimbardo
authors of hypothesis that asserts that frustration leads to aggression
the father of rational-emotive behavior therapy (REBT)
Albert Ellis
A popular cognitive consistency or balance theory in social psychology is ________ cognitive dissonance theory.
Leon Festinger’s
Author “Choosing a Vocation”
Frank Parsons
the father of rational behavior therapy (RBT)
Maxie Maultsby
Name a major figure in career construction theory
relying on narrative therapy
Mark Savickas