Counseling and Help Relationships Flashcards
Philosopher often associated with rational emotive behavioral therapy (REBT)
Who is associated with implosive therapy?
T. G. Stampfl
Technique known as deliberate exposure with response prevention
Type of therapy that is always conducted using the imagination and sometimes relies on psychoanalytic symbolism
Implosive therapy (Stampl)
Richard Carkhuff is associated with what measure?
Empathetic understanding and interpersonal processes
Scale for measuring accurate empathy, author
Robert Carkhuff
Who is the father of paradoxical intention?
Technique that involves client purposely exaggerating, a dysfunctional behavior in the imagination
Paradoxical intention
Father of cognitive behavior therapy movement
Albert Ellis
I – thou relationship
Martin Buber
I – thou relationship assert that the relationship between the client and the counselor is ______________
The relationship is horizontal
Introduced existential therapy in the United States
Rollo May
Father of gestalt therapy
Fritz Perls
Pioneer of rational emotive behavioral therapy (REBT)
Albert Ellis
Theorist associated with primal scream therapy
Arthur Janov