SOC 14 - Self reports - questionnaires (MET) Flashcards
What is qualitative data?
Data that is expressed in words and non-numerical (although qualitative data may be converted to numbers for the purpose of analysis)
What is quantitative data?
Data that can be counted, usually given as numbers (numerical data)
What is self-report technique?
Any method in which a person is asked to state or explain their own feelings, opinions, behaviours and/or experiences related to a given topic
What is a questionnaire?
A set of written questions (sometimes referred to as ‘items’) used to assess a person’s thoughts and/or experiences
What are open questions?
Questions for which there is no fixed choice of response and respondents can answer in any way they wish. For example, Why did you take up smoking?. They tend to produce qualitative data that contains a wide range of different responses but may be difficult to analyse
What are closed questions?
Questions for which there is a fixed choice of responses determined by the question setter. For example, Do you smoke? (yes/no). They tend to produce quantitative data. This data is easy to analyse but it may lack the depth and detail associated with open questions.
What is a likert scale?
A scale which the respondent indicates their agreement (or otherwise) with a statement using a scale of usually five points. The scale ranges from Strongly agree to Strongly disagree
What is a rating scale?
Gets respondents to identify a value that represents their strength of feeling about a particular topic
What is a fixed-choice option?
Includes a list of possible options and respondents are required to indicate those that apply to them
What is jargon?
Technical terms that are only familiar to those within a specialised field or area.
What is emotive language?
Where there the researcher’s attitude towards a particular topic is clear from the way in which the question is phrased
What are leading questions?
Guides the respondent towards a particular answer
What are double-barrelled questions?
Contains two questions in one, the issue being that respondents may agree with one half of the question and not the other
What are double negatives?
Questions that contain two negative words which can be difficult for respondents to decipher
What are the different types of closed questions?
- Likert scale (e.g. strongly disagree up to strongly disagree)
- Rating scale (0-10)
- Fixed choice option (select number of choice)