soc 101 final Flashcards
(tension between desiring & obtaining material success) may result in deviance, specifically when to attain success, social norms are violated/circumnavigated
-when normalness & rule-breaking became common-anomie
social strain
“cultural universal”, must be functional for society
-clarifies rules
-unifies a population
-facilitates social change
Durkheim’s deviance & social control
commonly shared ideas about what is right/wrong begin to erode deviance becomes the norm & there’s little moral guidance
anomic society
5 possible adaptations to Durkheim’s “social strain”
robert merton
to achieve success= education, deferred gratification, saving $, paying dues, & working our way up
socially prescribed
material (or economic) success & security
socially prescribed goals
law-level deviance everyone engages in (pot, shoplifting)
primary deviance
career criminality
secondary deviance
-recurring of Durkheim’s suicide discovery
-can break/weaken= deviance goes up
social bonds theory: Trais Hirschi
gangs who form gangs, steal cars, commit burglaries, robberies, etc.
subcultures who focus their activities around substance abuse/dealing
criminal groups who stage insurgent activities against the gaut & or business
-cloward & ohlin
-crime doesn’t occur due to lack of or blocked access to “illegitimate opportunities” as suggested by Merton
-most poor people are honest & don’t commit crimes (as indicated by Merton’s adaptation “ritualism”
-for criminal activities to occur, there must be the availability of “illegitimate opportunity structures”
illegitimate opportunity theory
-behavior is learned
-deviance is learned from contact w/ others through socialization the same way conformity is
differential association theory: edwin sutherland (symbolic interactionalism)
to commit “criminal” deviance, one must first learn from others… (differential association theory: edwin sutherland)
-methods of liquidation