SNS Agonists Flashcards
Where do post-gangionic sympathetic neurones originate?
Thoracolumbar spinal cord (T1-L2)
What do most sympathetic post-ganglionic neurones release? State two exceptions to this.
Most sympathetic post-ganglionic neurones release noradrenaline
- Pre-ganglionic neurone synapses with adrenal medulla (no post-ganglionic neurone)
Adrenal medulla releases:
- Adrenaline (80%)
- Noradrenaline (20%)
Adrenal medulla releases:
- Sympathetic post-ganglionic neurone to sweat glands releases acetylcholine
- This ACh acts on muscarinic receptors

Contrast the action of the sympathetic and parasymptathetic nervous system on different parts of the body.

Describe the effects of the SNS on different body parts and state which adrenergic receptor subtypes they are mediated by.
- In the skin you have more beta 2 than alpha 1
- So the sympathetic effects on the skin are vasodilation
- You want to increased cutanoeous blood flow so you get more head being radiated away from your blood
- This is because you want to get rid of all that extra heat being generated due to you being more metabolically active during ‘fight or flight’
- Therefore, a side effect of beta blockers is cold extremities due to cutaneous vasoconstriction

What is a directly acting drug?
A drug which mimics the actions of NA and adrenaline by binding to and stimulating the adrenoceptors (which are G-protein coupled receptors)
- They are principally used for their actions in the:
- Eyes
- Lungs

Describe the relative selectivity of adrenaline and noradrenaline to different adrenoreceptor subtypes.
- Noradrenaline is more selective for alpha receptors
- α1 = α2 > β1 = β2
- Adrenaline is more selective for beta receptors
- β1 = β2 > α1 = α2
BUT all adrenoceptors can be activated by both NA and adrenaline
Describe the process of NA metabolism.
- Tyrosine (from diet) → DOPA
- Enzyme: tyrosine hydroxylase - rate limiting enzyme
- DOPA → dopamine → NA
- NA deactivation via :
- Reuptake into the pre-synaptic nerve terminal
- Reuptake into extraneuronal tissue
- Once taken up, NA is then metabolised by enzymes
- NA binds to presynaptic alpha 2 receptors which inhibits further NA release - negative feedback

State five directly acting SNS agonists and their selectvity.
- Adrenaline (non-selective)
- Non-selective in the sense that it can activate all adrenoceptors
- But it is more selective to beta receptors than alpha receptors
- Phenylephrine (α1)
- Clonidine (α2)
- Dobutamine (β1)
- Salbutamol (β2)
What does selectivity depend on?
Selectivity depends on CONCENTRATION
- At low concentrations these drugs will be relatively selective
- But if you increase its concentration, the chance of binding to other receptors increases
- At low concentrations they will most likely bind to the receptors that they have the greatest affinity for
- However, at higher concentrations, once they have bound to their ‘preferential’ receptor, the remaining drug can then bind to other receptors that they have less affinity for
- Therefore no drug is 100% selective to a certain receptor
Describe the development of hypersensitivity following first exposure.
After the first exposure you generate antibodies to the antigen andthese circulate around the body and bind to mast cells
In the subsequent exposure, the mast cells are primed with the antibody on its surface
Cross-linking of these antibodies (IgE) on the surface of mast cells causing degranulation and release of inflammatory mediators (e.g. histamine)
This leads to the symptoms of hypersensitivity.
State some symptoms of hypersensitivity.
- Increase in capillary permeability → increased leakage of fluid out into tissues
- This leads to a fall in circulating fluid volume and hence a fall in blood pressure
- You get ANAPHYLACTIC SHOCK which can lead to unconsciousness
- Shock = a disease state in which tissue perfusion is insufficient to meet metabolic demands
- Anaphylactic = due to a severe allergic reaction
- This can also lead to bronchoconstriction the throat causing respiratory distress.
- It can also lead to GI problems such as vomiting and diarrhoea
- Smooth muscle contraction
- Fluid outflow into gut

Why is adrenaline used in the treatment of anaphylaxis?
Adrenaline is used in this situation as it tackles the key problems first: airways, breathing and circulation
- β2 - bronchodilation
- To open up the airways and allow breathing
- β1 - tachycardia
- To increase BP
- α1 - vasoconstriction
- To increase BP
- β2 - Suppression of mast cell mediator release
State some other clinical uses of adrenaline.
β2 mediated actions:
- Actions:
- Bronchodilation
- Suppression of mediated release
- Uses:
- Treatment of asthma
- Adrenaline administered intramuscularly or subcutaneously
- Treatment of acute bronchospasm associated with chronic bronchitis or emphysema
- Treatment of asthma
β1 mediated actions:
- Actions:
- Positive inotropic effect - increases force of contraction and hence CO
- Uses:
- Treatment of cardiogenic shock
- Cardiogenic shock = the sudden inability of heart to pump sufficient oxygen-rich blood
- Treatment of cardiogenic shock
α1 mediated actions:
- Actions:
- Vasoconstriction
- Uses:
- Administered with spinal anaesthesia
- Vasoconstriction maintains BP - if the spinal block is in the thoracolumbar region which means you are taking away the sympathetic output to the BVs
- Administered with local anaesthesia
- Local vasoconstriction prolongs action - because it prevents the clearance of the anaesthetic from the area
- Administered with spinal anaesthesia
State some unwanted actions of adrenaline.
- Secretions – reduced and thickened mucous
- CNS – minimal
- CVS effects
- Tachycardia, palpitations, arrhythmias
- Cold extremities
- Due to constriction of blood vessels of fingers and toes
- Decrease in peripheral blood flow allows more blood flow to core muscles in arms and legs
- Hypertension
- Overdose leads to: cerebral haemorrahge, pulmonary oedema
- Cerebral haemorrhage due to massively increased blood pressure which can cause an aneurysm/weakening which can then lead onto bursting of BVs in the brain
- Increased systemic resistance due to vasoconstriction by SNS leads to blood backing up → pulmonary congestion → pulmonary oedema
- GIT – minimal
- Skeletal muscle - tremor
- Motor nerve terminals to skeletal muscle have beta 2 adrenergic receptors which facilitates ACh release at the NMJ and skeletal muscle contraction
- So excessive activation of these receptors can lead to involuntary muscle contractions in the form of tremors
Describe the selectivity of phenylephrine.
Alpha 1 >> Alpha 2 >>> Beta 1/Beta 2
Describe the characteristics of phenylephrine.
Phenylephrine is chemically related to adrenaline (i.e. they have a similar structure)
- NOTE: The slight difference in structure impacts adrenoceptor subtype selectivity (in this case, makes it more alpha selective)
It is more resistant to degradation by COMT than adrenaline but not MAO degradation
- COMT - more peripheral enzyme
- MAO - more central enzyme (i.e. CNS)
Therefore, phenyephrine is longer lasting as a peripherally acting agent than adrenaline

How is phenylephrine used clinically?
- Vasoconstriction
- Myrdriatic
- Mydriasis = pupil dilation
- Brought about by contraction of the radial muscles of the iris
- Nasal decongestant
- When you have a cold you get nasal congestion
- This is due to WBC infiltration in the nasal cavity
- This causes vasodilation and fluid leakage from blood vessels (i.e. mucosal inflammation)
- This results in the symptoms of feeling congested
- Therefore, phenylephrine causes vasoconstriction
What is glaucoma characterised and caused by? What are the consequences if left untreated?
Characterized by:
- Increase in intraocular pressure
Caused by:
- Poor drainage of the aqueous humour
If untreated:
- It permanently damages the optic nerve → blindness.

Which receptors can be targeted by sympathomimetics to treat glaucoma?
Alpha 1
- This could cause vasoconstriction to reduce blood flow to ciliary bodies
- Reduced blood flow → reduced ultrafilration of plasma to form aqueuos humour → reduced aqueous humour production
Alpha 2
- Direct decrease of aqueous humour production
- Essentially opposite effect to stimulatory beta 1 receptors (coupled to carbonic anhydrase)
Describe the selectivity of clonidine and its effects.
Alpha 2 >> Alpha 1 >>> Beta 1/Beta 2
Alpha 2 is an inhibitory receptor
- Inhibits further NA release into the synapse
- Therefore clonidine has anti-sympathetic effects
- Is an agonist BUT behaves like an an antagonist
What is clonidine used to treat?
- Glaucoma
- Stimulates alpha 2 to directly decrease aqueous humour production
- Hypertension
- Migraine
How it helps treat hypertension and migraine:
- Stimulation of alpha 2 receptors (present on presynaptic terminal) inhibits NA release into synapse
- This inhibits vasodilation:
- Hypertension treatment - reduced TPR → reduced BP
- Migraine treatment - link between vasodilation and migraine
- This inhibits vasodilation:
- Central action in brainstem within baroreceptor pathway to reduce sympathetic outflow
Presynaptic alpha 2 receptors in vasomotor centre in the brainstem activates which prevents SNS activation (SNS inhibition)
- NOTE: Vasomotor centre regulates BP
- This is particularly useful for hypertension treatement as it could reduce BP via other mechanisms (e.g. reduced RAAS activation, reduced HR)
Presynaptic alpha 2 receptors in vasomotor centre in the brainstem activates which prevents SNS activation (SNS inhibition)

Describe the selectivity and characteristics of isoprenaline.
- Beta 1 + Beta 2 >>>>>> Alpha 1/Alpha 2
- Chemically related to adrenaline (i.e. similar structure)
- More resistant to uptake 1 (into neuronal tissue) and breakdown by MAO
What is isoprenaline used to treat?
- Cardiogenic shock
- Acute heart failure
- Myocardial infarction
- In all of these cases the tissue perfusion is insufficient to meet metabolic demand
- This is due to the heart not being able to pump blood around the body properly
- Therefore, isoprenaline binds to beta 1 receptors in the heart to increase contractility (force of contraction) in order to try and meet the body’s metabolic demands
What is a problem with using isoprenaline?
Beta 2 stimulation in vascular smooth muscle in skeletal muscle results in fall in venous blood pressure which triggers a reflex tachycardia via the stimulation of baroreceptors
- Isoprenaline will drive the beta 1 receptors in the heart to support the heart
- But it will also stimulate beta 2 receptors in vascular smooth muscle supplying skeletal muscle → vasodilation
- This means that you get a fall in venous blood pressure → pooling of blood within the veins
- Hence you get decreased venous return: ↓ EDV (preload) → ↓ force of contraction → ↓ SV and therefore CO → ↓ BP
- The decrease in BP stimulates the baroreceptors (increase in baroreceptor firing rate) which triggers a REFLEX TACHYCARDIA
- So, the beta 1 stimulation is good for patients with heart failure, but the beta 2 stimulation isn’t
- Tachycardia might mean that heart does not have time to fill properly which would exacerbate the insufficient pumping problem
- On the vascular smooth muscle of blood vessels supplying different areas of the body you have either more beta 2 receptors (vasodilation) or alpha 1 recpetors
- Blood vessels supplying skeletal muscle has more beta 2 receptors because during ‘fight or flight’ you want increased blood flow and nutrient supply to the skeletal muscles allowing some sort of action
Describe the selectivity of dobutamine.
Beta 1 >> Beta 2 >>> Alpha 1/Alpha 2
What is dobutamine used to treat? Describe its characteristics.
Cardiogenic shock
- Lacks isoprenaline’s reflex tachycardia as it is beta 1 selective so is a more preferred treatment than isoprenaline
- Plasma half life 2 minutes - rapidly metabolised by COMT
Describe the selectivity of salbutamol (ventolin).
Beta 2 >> Beta 1 >>> Alpha 1/Alpha 2
Describe the characteristics of salbutamol.
- It is a synthetic catecholamine derivative (i.e. man made and has a similar structure to NA and adrenaline)
- It is relative resistant to MAO and COMT degradation
What is salbutamol used to treat?
- Beta-2 mediated relaxation of bronchial smooth muscle
- Inhibition of release of bronchoconstrictor substances from mast cells
- Mast cells have beta 2 receptors
- Mast cells are present in airways
- NOTE: Salbutamol administered via an inhaler (ventolin) when used to treat asthma so it has localised effects on the airways
Threatened premature labour
- Beta 2 mediated relaxation of uterine smooth muscle delays premature labour
- NOTE: Labour involves uterine contractions to push the baby out
What are the side effects of salbutamol?
Reflex tachycardia
- Beta 2 stimulation in vascular smooth muscle in skeletal muscle results in fall in venous blood pressure which triggers a reflex tachycardia via the stimulation of baroreceptors
- Motor nerve terminals to skeletal muscle have beta 2 adrenergic receptors which facilitates ACh release at the NMJ and skeletal muscle contraction
- So excessive activation of these receptors can lead to involuntary muscle contractions in the form of tremors
Blood sugar dysregulation
- B**eta 2 receptors in the liver involved in glycogenolysis ad gluconeogenesis