Drugs and the CVS: The Heart Flashcards
Describe the process of AP generation in a the SAN.
SAN = primary pacemaker site within the heart
- These cells are characterized as having no true resting potential
- They instead generate regular, spontaneous action potentials
Three phases (phase 4, phase 0, phase 3):
PHASE 4 = the spontaneous depolarization (pacemaker potential) that triggers the AP once the membrane potential reaches the threshold
- At the end of repolarisation, when the membrane is hyperpolarised (very negative: -60mV), you get the opening of hyperpolarisation-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated (HCN) channels
- This results in the slow movement of Na+ into the cell so the cells begins to spontaneously depolarise, thereby initiating phase 4
- This inward Na+ current is known as the funny current (If)
- As the membrane potential reaches about -50mV, this stimulates another type of ion channel to open - transient T-type Ca2+ channel
- This inward Ca2+ current is known as ICa (T)
- The influx of Ca2+ causes further depolarisation
- As the membrane potential reaches about -40mV, this stimulates another type of ion channel to open - long lasting L-type Ca2+ channel
- This inward Ca2+ current is known as ICa (L)
- The influx of Ca2+ through these channels as well causes even more depolarisation until the threshold to generate an AP is reached
- The threshold is usually between -40 and -30mV
PHASE 0 = depolarization phase of the action potential
- Once the threshold potential is reached, an AP is generated
- The depolarisation part of the AP is primarily due to ICa (L)
- ICa (T) and If decline during this phase as their respective channels close
- The Ca2+ currents are relatively slow (i.e. Ca2+ movement though the ion channels is relatively slow)
- There are no fast Na+ channels and currents operating in SA nodal cells
PHASE 3 = repolarisation
- K+ channels open so you get outward K+ currents known as I
- At the same time, the L-type Ca2+ channels become inactivated and close so you get decline in ICa (L)
- This results in repolarisation and as the K+ efflux continues you get hyperpolarisation

Describe how the sympathetic nervous system impacts the electrical activity of the SAN.
Sympathetic stimulation:
- Increases cAMP to increase If
- Directly increases ICa
- The ion channels involved in these currents open faster due to sympathetic stimulation
- Therefore, threshold is reached quicker so you get a greater frequency of AP generation = faster HR
EXPLANATION (extra) - increase in If:
- The Na+ ion channels responsible for If open in response to both voltage (i.e. hyperpolarisation) and cAMP
- cAMP can directly bind to those ion channels, stimuating them to open at more +ve voltages
- The SAN cells do not need to be as hyperpolarised, for the channels to open
- The beta 1 adrenoceptors on the SA nodal cells are GPCRs (Gs) so they stimulate adenylyl cyclase which catalyses the conversion of ATP to cAMP
- So stimulation of adrenoceptrors (GPCRs) would increase cAMP production inside the SAN cells
EXPLANATION (extra) - increase in ICa:
- The increase in ICa is also mediated by activation of the GPCRs which cause phosphorylation of the Ca2+ ion channels, stimulating them to open
Describe how the parasympathetic nervous system impacts the electrical activity of the SAN.
Parasympathetic stimulation:
- Decreases cAMP to decrease If
- This means that If can only be activated at more -ve voltages
- So they can’t be activated as quickly as you have to wait for the more negative voltages to be reached
- Directly increases the IK
- This leads to further hyperpolarisation
Therefore, threshold is reached more slowly so you get a decreased frequency of AP generation = slower HR
- Parasympathetic stimulation leads to release of ACh
- ACh binds to the M2 muscarinic receptors on the SA nodal cells which are also GPCRs but Gi
- Therefore, they inhibit adenylyl cylase and cAMP production which impacts If
- The GPCR activation also directly activates the K+ channels
- NOTE: This IK is not the same current you see in phase 3 of the normal SAN electrical activity
Describe the process of excitation-contraction coupling in a cardiomyocyte.
- APs can spread from pacemaker cells to cardiomyocytes and from cardiomycyte to cardiomycocyte due to gap junctions
- Ions can travel through the gap junctions to the neighbouring cell resulting in depolarisation
- If that cell becomes depolarised enough for the threshold potential to be reached, it generates its own AP
- This is what it means by step 1
- 70% of the Ca2+ which binds to the tr
What two things should be in balance in a normal individual?
Myocardial oxygen supply
Myocardial oxygen demand - determined by how much WORK is being done by the myocardium
Which factors influence myocardial oxygen supply and demand?

Explain the factors influencing myocardial oxygen demand.
Myocyte contraction = primary determinant of myocardial oxygen demand (i.e. how much work they are doing)
- ↑ H.R. = more contractions
- ↑ afterload or contractility = greater force of contraction
- ↑ preload = small ↑ in force of contraction
- 100% ↑ ventricular volume would only ↑ F.O.C. by 25%
State 3 drugs which influence heart rate and explain how they work.
β-blockers – decrease If and ICa
- Activation of the beta 1 adrenoceptor (GPCR) increases cAMP to increase If and directly increases ICa
Calcium antagonists – decrease ICa
- Calcium antagonists = calcium channel blockers
- They work by binding to and blocking the calcium channels, thereby preventing Ca2+ entry into the cell
Ivabradine – decrease If
- Binds to the HCN channels to prevent the influx of Na+ into the cell that initiates the spontaneous depolarisation (pacemaker potential)
- Each of these drugs inhibit flow of ions into the cell
- Obviously you still get some ion inflow but this will be reduced
- The drug won’t work on every single receptor/ion channel but will block enough to slow down the currents
- Therefore:
- Depolarisation is slower
- Threshold is reached more slowly
- Decreased frequency of AP generation = slower HR
Reduced HR = reduced myocardial oxygen demand
State two drugs influencing contractility.
β-blockers – decrease contractility
- Activation of the beta 1 adrenoceptor (GPCR) directly increases ICa
- So with beta blockers you get reduced influx of Ca into the cell (reduced ICa)
- Calcium antagonists – decrease ICa
- Reduction of ICa reduces intracellular (cytoplasmic) Ca2+ concentration
- This is because you need extracellular Ca2+ to stimulate Ca2+ release from SR - calcium-induced calcium release
- More Ca2+ that is available to bind to troponin so more actin-myosin cross bridges can form
- More cross bridges = greater contractility (FOC)
What are the two classes of calcium antagonists?
Rate slowing (cardiac and smooth muscle actions)
- Phenylalkylamines (e.g. verapamil)
- Benzothiazepines (e.g. diltiazem)
Non-rate slowing (smooth muscle actions – more potent)
- Dihydropyridines (e.g. amlodipine)
The slight difference in structure between cardiac muscle and vascular smooth muscle Ca2+ channels means drugs can be more selective for one type than the other
- Non-rate slowing calcium antagonists are selective for the vascular Ca2+ channels so don’t have much of an effect on the heart
What is a problem with using non-rate slowing calcium antagonists?
Due to their action on blocking vascular smooth muscle Ca2+ channels they can cause profound vasodilation
This could lead to a drop in blood pressure (↓ TPR) which can be detected by baroreceptors which in response trigger a REFLEX TACHYCARDIA
State two drugs which influence the coronary blood flow and describe how they work.
Organic nitrates
- Organic nitrates are substrates for nitric oxide production
- They enter the endothelial cells and promote NO production
- The NO then diffuses into the vascular smooth muscle and causes VSMC relaxation → vasodilation
- NO activates guanylyl cyclase
- Gynaylyl cyclase catalyses the conversion of GTP to cGMP
- cGMP upregulates (activates) protein kinase G
- PKG activates K+ channels
- K+ efflux → VSMC hyperpolarizes
Potassium channel opener
- Results in K+ efflux so the VSMCs become hyperpolarised
- Therefore, the VSMCs relax → vasodilation

Vasodilation = increased coronary blood flow
What effect do organic nitrates and potassium channel openers have on myocardial oxygen demand?
Both these drugs result in vasodilation
Vasodilation = ↓ TPR
↓ TPR reduces:
- If the arteries near the heart are dilated, this means the blood pressure in them is reduced
- Therefore, the heart does not have to work as hard to overcome that pressure (resistance)
- ↓ TPR → ↓ EDV → ↓ preload
- ↓ preload = reduced force of contraction - heart is not working as hard
What can these drugs be used to treat?
Stable angina
- Angina is when you get chest pain due to myocardial oxygen demand exceeding supply
- The stable part refers to the pain coming on with exertion (e.g. exercise)
- This is generally due to atherosclerosis (narrowing of the arteries)
- Reduce myocardial oxygen demand by using drugs to reduce HR, contractility etc
- Increase myocardial oxygen supply by using drugs to dilate the coronary vessels to increase coronary blood flow
- NOTE: First line treatment - beta blockers or calcium antagonists

What is heart failure?
The inability to match cardiac output with tissue perfusion demand
Which conditions are beta blockers generally not suitable for?
Beta blockers would worsen these conditions
Heart failure
- Beta blockers reduce HR and contractility which would reduce CO
- In patients with HF, CO is already insufficient, so reducing it even further would just exacerbate the problem
- Blockade of beta 2 receptors would lead to increased vascular resistance (vasoconstriction → ↑ TPR)
- Beta 2 receptors more prominent in skeletal muscle and cutaneous blood vessels
- Increased TPR is bad for patients with HF because the heart is already failing and having to work harder against the increased resistance would make the problem worse
- Blockade of the beta 1 receptor slows down HR which could exacerbate the bradycardia
- You could get a heart block due to reduced atrioventricular conduction
- Reduced conduction through AVN
- AV nodal cells also have beta 1 receptors which stimulate electrical conduction through the heart
- NOTE: Bradycardia and AV block can also be side effects of beta blockers
Which two beta blockers may be suitable for patients with heart failure? Explain why.
Both of these prevent a major increase in vascular resistance
Pindolol is a non-selective beta blocker
- So it has equal affinity for beta 1 and beta 2 receptors
- However, pindol has intrinsic sympathomimetic activity (i.e. it is a partial agonist)
- Therefore, it would result in some stimulation of beta 2 receptors so it would prevent a major increase in vascular resistance
Pindolol is a non-selective beta blocker
Carvedilol is a mixed beta and alpha blocker
- Blocks: beta 1, beta 2, alpha 1
- Alpha 1 → vasoconstriction
- Mainly present in mucous membranes, sphlancnic area
- Blocking of alpha 1 receptors would prevent this vasoconstriction and hence prevent a major increase in vascular resistance
Carvedilol is a mixed beta and alpha blocker
- Pindolol would have ISA on beta 1 receptors too
- But in HF the sympathetic drive to the heart would be high anyway to try and maximise CO
- So it would probably be having more of an antagonistic effect by blocking adrenaline/NA binding to those receptors
What are some important side effects of beta blockers?
- Cold extremities
- Due to blockade of beta 2 mediated cutaenous vasodilation in extremities
- Bronchoconstriction
- Due to blockade of beta 2 receptors in airways which cause bronchodilation when stimulated
- Hypoglycaemia
- Due to blockade of beta 2 receptors in the liver which cause glycogenesis and gluconeogenesis when stimulated
What are some less important side effects of beta blockers?
- Fatigue
- Impotence (sexual dysfunction)
- Depression
- CNS effects (lipophilic agents) e.g. nightmares
Less important because RCTs question the validity of these side effects
What are some side effects of calcium channel blockers?
Verapamil (rate slowing)
- Bradycardia and AV block
- Due to reduction of ICa in the heart in both SAN (bradycardia) and AVN (AV block)
- Constipation
- Seen in 25% of the patients
- This is due to blocking of the Ca2+ channels in the smooth muscle of the gut → reduced gut motility
Dihydropyridine (non-rate slowing)
- These side effects are seen in 10-20% of the patients
- Ankle oedema
- Vasodilation results in more blood flow towards ankles due to gravity
- Therefore, you have a higher hydrostatic pressure in the capillaries there so more fluid leaks out of the capillaries → oedema
- Headache/flushing
- Flushing = going red
- Due to vasodilation
- Palpitations
- Vasodilation results in reflex adrenergic activation (via baroreceptor pathway)
- Palpitations = a noticeably rapid, strong, or irregular heartbeat
- NOTE: The ankle oedema and headache/flushing are also side effects of organic nitrates or K+ channel openers as these also cause vasodilation
What are arrythmias? Describe how they are classified.
Arrythmia = abnormal heart rhythm
- May be associated with:
- Decreased heart rate - bradyarrhythmias
- Increased heart rate - tachyarrhythmias
Simple classification - based on site of origin:
- Supraventricular arrythmias
- Usually occur in the atria
- Ventricular arrythmias
- Complex (supraventricular AND ventricular) arrythmias
Explain the Vaughan-Williams classification and its limitations.
Explain what re-entry is
What type of arrythmia is adenosine used to treat? Explain its mechanism of action and its pharamkokinetics.
Used to terminate paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia
- Paroxysmal = episodic condition with an abrupt onset and termination
- Usually due to re-entry current
- Administered IV
- Half-life: 20-30s
- Therefore its actions are short-lived which makes it safer than verapamil
How it works:
Relevant to supraventricular tachycardia
- Adenosine binds to A1 receptors on SAN and AVN cells
- These are GPCRs (Gi)
- Activation of the Gi protein decreases cAMP, which decreases If
- Activation of the GPCR pathway also directly activates the K+ channels so it hyperpolarises the cells
- This means it takes longer for the cells to reach threshold and generate an AP
- Reduced AP frequency = reduced firing rate by SAN and reduced conduction velocity by AVN
- Essentially reduced HR
- Explain re-entry then explain this
- This gives the tissue longer to depolarise and leaves it in the repolarised state for longer
Also does this
- Adenosine binds to A2 receptors on vascular smooth muscle