Smith Chapter 5 Flashcards
what is the point of the story about spokane editor steve smith
-Jim West trolling young men on ?
defense of the paper:
posted ?
transparent newsroom allowed readers to ?
contrast on how
internet website put in spokane review
- full disclosure
- full transcripts so public could decide if they had been fair
- understand and even participate
- journalism traditionally practiced
what is an ombudsman
dealing with ? also write columns explaining?
unwanted barrier between ? dont want to pay ? too ?
reader rep. or public editor
- readers concerns/how decisions were made
- criticism/in house critic/ thin skinned
what problems associated with code of ethics
address only
do little to decide rules that will lead to ?
dont help journalists deal with ?
easiest ethical prob.
- better journalism
- real reporting problems
how do blogs police media
challenge validity of reports
find bias in MSM
what is a news council
allow for people who feel they have been wronged by media to
all parties must agree to not
must make effort to ?
at hearing each side ? do not have to follow ?
mix of members from
hear cases involving fairness not normally heard because of ?
regulation file complaints at no charge file suits -work things out before -presents/traditional court system -public and media -outside of privacy and libel laws
they believe instead of self examination transparency is turning into self flagellation
pressure for explaining spiraling out of control
punishing selves