Smith Chapter 16 Flashcards
How does the news business differ from other businesses ?
their constitutionally protected freedom is interpreted by most to mean they are a semipublic service as well as a private profit-seeking business
What are the benefits and disadvantages of family owned news papers
roots in?
-commitment to ?
-poured profits
disadvantages: - -one sided ? -sacred ? -hometown
family-owned businesses = quality papers
-back into newsroom
narrow minded owners
- one sided reports and political favoritism
- sacred cows
- boosterism
what are the benefits and disadvantages of corporate owned newspapers
only interested in? leading to
took pride in
negatives: only concerned with kept? work dont have time to lowest
businesses/ journalistic freedom
- newspaper
- papers’ equipment and design
bottom line news staff small long hours check sources or provide context paid
what problems are corporate owners facing in the 21st century
stiff competition newspaper circulation falling young readers no interest in the news advertising declined classified ads took a hit
Knight ridder and tribune co
growing comp. and decline in advertising
- stock declined
- cut news staff and reduced money spending
- eventually sold all of its papers and went out of business
was combined with others (merger)
- under pressure to cut costs and reduce number of employees
- sold to real estate tycoon , more cuts
How is St. Petersburg time different
Nelson Poytner gave majority share of paper to an institute that had objectives of
- keep paper independent
- use profits to fund programs to study journalism and train working journalists
in the case of locally owned newspapers what is one great wish of journalists
new local ownership will be motivated by sense of importance of a paper in a comm. and allow journalists freedom to practice their craft
who regulates ownership of broadcasting
what is happening to local news stations
networks no longer paid to carry their programming
- expected local stations to chip in
- ways to bypass them altogether (computers/ipods)
- loss of young adults watching
- losing some of best advertisers
- improving quality of video has website competing with them for adv.
how do ethnic differ from mainstream
more crime and victims
homelands far away/world in general
one sided/unnamed sources
more opinionated
problems of underfunded news room
news paper copy editors: more work less time, more errors
papers filled with stories from news
stories arent edited
reporters under pressure: increase quota, one source, quick hits
news staff at TV stations: number of hours increasing
stories that can be covered quickly= crime
rely on PR to help fill news hole
rise of VNRs and pseudo events
low salaries
what has happened to wall between news content and advertising
what problems do news org. face regarding advertising
keeping adv. from crashing through it
-use clout of adv. to directly influence news
-threaten to stop adv.
-have to package stories with advertising
-advertising pressure made way onto internet (sponsored content)
can quality journalism make money
higher circulation, more ratings, more advertising and growing profits
what can you do to improve quality of journalism
more enterprise reporting cover more of comm. air longer stories source stories better hire more reporters and give them more time