Smart Cities Flashcards
def. smart city
investments in human and social capital and traditional transport and modern communication infrastructure fuel sustainable economic growth and a high quality of life, with a wise management of natural resources, through participatory governance.
key points of definition (4)
social and environmntal sustainability, social learning and social capital, business-led urban development, network infrastructure
policy areas of smart cities (6)
smart economy, smart environment, smart governance, smart living, smart mobility, smart people
smart economy (6)
innovative spirit, entrepreneurship, economic image & trademarks, productivity, flexibility of labour market, international embeddedness
indicator of innovative spirit (3)
R&D expenditure in % of GDP, employment rate in knowledge-intensive sectors, patent applications per inhabitant
indicator of entrepreneurship (2)
self-employment rate, new businesses registered
indicator of productivity (1)
GDP per employed person
indicator of economic image & trademarks (1)
importance as decision-making centre (HQ etc.)
indicator of flexibility of labour market (2)
proportion in part-time employment, unemployement
indicator of international embeddedness
companies with HQ in the city quoted on national stock market, air tranpsort of passangers
smart people (7)
level of qualification
affinity to life long learning
social and ethnic plurality
participation in public life
indicator level of qualification (2)
importance as knowledge centre (universities, research centres), foreign langauge skills
indicator affinity to life long learning (2)
book loans per resident, participation in language courses
indicator social and ethnic plurality (2)
share of foreigners, share of nationals born abroad
indicator flexibility (1)
perception of getting a new job
indicator creativity (1)
share of people working in creative industries
indicator cosmopolitanism (3)
voters turnout at European elections, immigration-friendly environment, knowledge about the EU
indicator participation in public life (2)
voters turnout at city elections, participation in voluntary work
smart governance (3)
participation in decision-making, public and social services, transparent governance
indicator participation in decision-making (4)
city representatives per resident, political activity of inhabitants, importance of politics for inhabitants, share of female city representatives
indicator public and social services (3)
expenditure of the municipality, share of children in day care, satisfaction with quality of schools
indicator transparent governance (2)
satisfaction with transparency of bureaucracy, satisfacion with fight against corruption
smart mobility (4)
local accessibility, (inter-)national accessibility, availability of ICT-infrastructure, sustainable innovative and sfae transport systems
indicator local accessibility (3)
public transport network, satisfaction with access to public transport, satisfaction with quality of public transport
indicator (inter-)national accessibility (1)
international accessibility
availability of ICT-infrastructure (2)
computers in households, broadband internet acces in households
sustainable, innovative and safe transport systems (3)
green mobility share, traffic safety, use of economical cars
smart environment (4)
attractivity of natural conditions, pollution, environmental protection, sustainable resource management
indicator attractivity of natural conditions (2)
sunshine hours, green space share
indicator pollution (3)
summer smog, particulate matter, respiratory diseases
indicator environmental protection (2)
individual efforts on protecting nature, opinion on nature protection
indicator sustainable resource management (1)
efficient use of water and electricity
smart living (7)
cultural facilities, health conditions, individual safety, hoursing quality, education facilities, touristic attractivity, social cohesion
indicator cultural facilities (3)
cinema attendance, museum vistis, theatre attendance
indicator health conditions (4)
life expectancy, hospital beds, doctors, satisfaction with quality of health system
indicator individual safety (3)
crime rate, death rate by assault, satisfaciton with personal safety
indicator housing quality (3)
share of housing fulfilling minimal standards, average living area, satisfaction with personal hoursin gsituation
indicator education facilities (2)
students, satifcation with access and quality of educational system
indicator touristic attractivity (2)
overnights per year, importance as tourist location
indicator social cohesion (2)
poverty rate, perception on personal risk of poverty
smart city oppotunities (6)
adoption of ICTs, business-led development, sustainability, participation, social capital, holisitc approach to urban policies