Small Intestine Flashcards

Jing-Well and Metal point of the Small Intestine channel
- Clears heat and benefits the sensory orifices
- Revives consciousness
- Promotes lactation and benefits the breasts

Ying-Spring and Water point of the Small Intestine channel
- Clears wind-heat and reduces swelling
- Benefits the eyes, ears and throat
- Activates the channel and alleviates pain

Shu-Stream and Wood point of the Small Intestine channel
Confluent point of the Governing vessel
- Benefits the occiput, neck and back
- Activates the channel and alleviates pain
- Clears wind and heat and treats malaria
- Calms the spirit and treats epilepsy
- Clears heat and benefits the sensory orifices
- Regulates the Governing vessel

Yuan-Source point of the Small Intestine channel
- Activates the channel and alleviates pain
- Clears heat and reduces swelling
- Clears damp-heat and treats jaundice

Jing-River and Fire point of the Small Intestine channel
- Clears heat and reduces swelling
- Calms the spirit

Xi-Cleft point of the Small Intestine channel
- Activates the channel and alleviates pain
- Benefits the shoulder and arm
- Moderates acute conditions
- Benefits the eyes

Luo-Connecting point of the Small Intestine channel
- Clears heat and releases the exterior
- Calms the spirit
- Activates the channel and alleviates pain
- Benefits the finger joints

He-Sea and Earth point of the Small Intestine channel
- Clears heat* and dissipates *swelling
- Calms the spirit
- Activates the channel and alleviates pain

- Expels wind and benefits the shoulder
- Activates the channel and alleviates pain

Meeting point of the Small Intestine and Bladder channels with the Yang Linking and Yang Motility vessels
- Benefits the shoulder
- Activates the channel and alleviates pain

- Activates the channel and alleviates pain
- Moves qi and unbinds the chest and lateral costal region
- Benefits the breasts

Meeting point of the Small Intestine, Large Intestine, Sanjiao and Gall Bladder channels
- Expels wind and benefits the shoulder and scapula

- Benefits the shoulder and scapula

- Activates the channel and alleviates pain
- Expels wind and cold and benefits the shoulder and scapula

- Descends Lung qi
- Activates the channel and alleviates pain

Point of the Window of Heaven
- Benefits the ears, throat and voice
- Regulates qi and calms the spirit
- Activates the channel, alleviates pain and clears heat

Point of the Window of Heaven
- Benefits the neck and throat and disperses swelling
- Descends rebellious qi
- Benefits the ears

Meeting point of the Small Intestine and Sanjiao channels
- Eliminates wind* and alleviates *pain
- Clears heat and reduces swelling

Meeting point of the Small Intestine, Sanjiao and Gall Bladder channels
- Benefits the ears
- Calms the spirit