PERICARD Flashcards

Meeting point of the Pericardium, Gall Bladder, Liver and Sanjiao channels
Point of the Window of Heaven
- Unbinds the chest, transforms phlegm and descends rebellion
- Regulates qi and dissipates nodules
- Benefits the breasts

- Unbinds the chest, invigorates blood and alleviates pain

He-Sea and Water point of the Pericardium channel
- Clears heat from the qi, nutritive and blood levels
- Harmonises the Stomach and intestines and stops vomiting
- Activates the channel and alleviates pain

Xi-Cleft point of the Pericardium channel
- Invigorates blood and dispels stasis
- Cools blood and stops bleeding
- Calms the spirit
- Moderates acute conditions

Jing-River and Metal point of the Pericardium channel
- Transforms phlegm
- Settles and calms the spirit
- Descends rebellious qi and regulates the Stomach
- Regulates menstruation

Luo-Connecting point of the Pericardium channel Confluent point of the Yin Linking vessel
Unbinds the chest and regulates qi
Regulates the Heart and calms the spirit
Harmonises the Stomach and alleviates nausea and vomiting
Clears heat
Opens the Yin Linking vessel

Shu-Stream, Yuan-Source and Earth point of the Pericardium channel
Sun Si-miao Ghost point
- Clears heat from the Heart and calms the spirit
- Harmonises the Stomach and intestines
- Unbinds the chest
- Clears the nutritive level and cools blood

Ying-_Spring_ and Fire point of the Pericardium channel
Sun Si-miao Ghost point
Clears heat from the Pericardium and revives consciousness
Clears heat from the Heart and calms the spirit
Harmonises the Stomach and clears heat from the middle jiao
Clears the nutritive level and cools blood

Ying-Spring and Fire point of the Pericardium channel
Sun Si-miao Ghost point
Clears heat from the Pericardium and revives consciousness
Clears the Heart and benefits the tongue
Clears summer-heat