Small Animal Medicine Exam III Flashcards
Neurolocalization yields your _____.
differential list
What are the functional divisions of the brain?
What are upper motor neurons?
What are lower motor neurons?
The upper motor neuron system originates in various parts of the brain, what are they?
UMN ____ the neurons that directly innervate the muscles (LMN).
What are the responsibilities of the UMN system?
____ and ____ are mainly responsible for gait. The ____ is thought to play the biggest role in gait.
The ____ is the most important of the pathways through which a dog executes voluntary movement.
Identify the structure.
Identify the structure.
Identify the structures.
Name the different lobes of the cerebrum. What is their function?
What are the functions of the somatosensory cortex?
List the different forebrain signs that would indicate a lesion in the cerebrum.
The ____ is the chief sensory integrating center of the nervous system that contains a plethora of “rely” nuclei.
What are the 5 major divisions of the diencephalon?
What is the location and function of the ascending reticular activating system (ARAS)?
Describe the function of and influences of the hypothalamus.
The ____ nuclei in the hypothalamus secrete ADH while the ____ nuclei secrete oxytocin. These are the only neurons in the body capable of secreting hormones.
What clinical signs are consistent with a lesion in the diencephalon?
List the different structures that live in the midbrain, what is their function?
What are some clinical signs consistent with a lesion in the midbrain?
List the structures that make up the pons.
List some clinical signs that would indicate a lesion in the pons.
List the structures that course through the medulla.
Identify the structures.
What are some clinical signs consistent with a lesion in the medulla?
List the structures that make up the cerebellum.
What are the different functional units of the cerebellum?
What are the functions of the cerebellum?
List the clinical signs that would indicate a lesion in the cerebellum.
In the spinal cord, the UMN tracts descend in ___ and synapse on the LMN in the ___.
What are the different tracts in the spinal cord responsible for walking?
What are the different tracts in the spinal cord responsible for standing?
Identify the structures.
Describe the sensory function of the spinal cord.
Lesions affecting both the ____ and the ____ will result in proprioceptive ataxia and paresis (respectively).
Interference with the UMN’s influence over the LMY results in ____.
Identify the different parts of the spinal cord tract.
What are the different clinically important LMN in the spinal cord? In general, damage to these structures will result in what clinical presentation?
Identify the parts of the spinal cord.
Describe the pertinent anatomy that lives in C1-C5.
List the clinical signs that would indicate a lesion between C1 and C5.
Describe the pertinent anatomy that lives in C6-T2.
List some clinical signs that would indicate a lesion in C6-T2.
Describe the pertinent anatomy that lives in T3-L3.
List some clinical signs that would indicate a lesion from T3 to L3.
Describe the pertinent anatomy that lives in the L4-S3 region of the spinal cord.
List some clinical signs that would indicate a lesion in the L4-S3 region.
What are some clinical signs that would indicate a lesion in S1-S3?
What are some clinical signs that would indicate a lesion in Cd1-C5?
What are the goals of a neurological exam?
What are the indications for a neurological exam? (small animal medicine)
How should you approach a neuro case? (small animal medicine)
What will you need in order to perform a neurological exam on your small animal patient?
What are the different parts that make up the neurological exam? (small animal medicine)
What are the different time courses that we may see in our neurological patients?
____, ____, and ____ make up the observation portion of a neurological exam.
What are the different kinds of mentations we may see in our neurological patients?
What are the different postures we may see in our neurological patients?
What are the different kinds of gaits we may see in our neurological patients?
If gait is affected than there is a problem in the ____.
How can we evacuate the gait in our small animal patients?
Define ataxia.
Define paresis.
Define plegia.
What is monoparesis/plegia?
What is hemiparesis/plegia?
What is paraparesis/plegia?
Define tetraparesis/plegia.
You notice your patient is circling, what does this indicate? (small animal medicine)
What are the 3 forms of ataxia?
Describe vestibular ataxia.
Describe cerebellar ataxia.
Describe proprioceptive ataxia.
Why do we test for postural reactions?
Postural reactions not only test conscious proprioception, what else do they test?
What are the different ways we test postural reactions?
Describe how we perform hemiwalking to test postural reactions in our small animal patients.
Testing spinal reflexes helps us evaluate _____.
What are the different monosynaptic and multisynaptic parts of spinal reflexes?
What are some key points regarding the withdrawal (flexor) reflexes?
What muscles and spinal cords are tested with the forelimb flexor (withdrawal) reflex?
What muscles and spinal cords are tested with the patellar reflex?
What muscles and spinal cords are tested with the withdrawal reflex?
What muscles and spinal cords are tested with the cutaneous trunci reflex?
What are some general UMN signs we can see while performing our neurological exam of dogs/cats?
What are some general LMN signs we can see while performing our neurological exam of dogs/cats?
What are some general tips to test spinal reflexes in our small animal patients?
How do we perform a patellar reflex? What is a normal response and what nerve is being evaluated?
How do you perform a withdrawal (flexor) reflex of the pelvic limb? What is a normal response? What nerves and cord segments are involved?
How do you perform a withdrawal (flexor) reflex of the forelimb? What is a normal response? What nerves and cord segments are involved?
How do you perform a cutaneous trunci reflex? What is the normal response?
How to perform a perineal (anal) reflex? What is a normal response? What nerves are being evaluated?
Most cranial nerves are ___ but some are “responses”.
List the different cranial nerves. What are their functions?
What cranial nerves are tested during a menace response?
What cranial nerves are tested during a palpebral reflex / facial sensation?
What cranial nerves are tested during a pupillary light reflex?
Describe how you would preform a menace response test. What are you testing for?
Describe how you would preform a palpebral reflex test. What are you testing for?
Describe the role that the trigeminal nerve plays in facial symmetry.
How would a lesion in the trigeminal nerve affect jaw tone?
What role does the facial nerve play in facial symmetry?
What role does the trigeminal nerve play in nasal sensation?
Identify the afferent and efferent pathways for nasal sensation.
Identify which branches of the trigeminal nerve are responsible for sensations in the face.
What are you assessing during a pupillary light reflex?
What is the swinging light test?
What is a physiologic nystagmus? What reflexes and nerves are involved?
What are the different kinds of abnormal nystagmus? What are the different orientations?
What nerves are being assessed during a gag reflex?
What nerve is being assessed when evaluating the tongue?
What cranial nerves are being assessed during the menace response?
What cranial nerves are being assessed during the palpebral reflex and facial sensation?
What cranial nerves are being assessed during the pupillary light reflex?
What is hyperesthesia?
Describe how you would perform a spinal palpation as part of your neurological exam.
Sensation is being simultaneously evaluated throughout your neurological exam, what does our basic neuro exam miss?
What is nociception?
____ is a conscious, emotional sensation which means it requires input from the brain,
How do we test for nociception? What are some normal responses that indicate deep pain perception?
What should be included in your bare minimum or abbreviated neurological exam?