SMAD 101: Exam 3 Flashcards
What did Bell change on Edison’s phonograph?
replaced tin with beeswax cylinders & put loose stylus so it goes across wax easier -> graphophone
What did Emile Berliner create?
Gramophone -> got rid of cylinders in graphophone - used flat shellac discs
What is the Victrola?
Victor Recording Industry + RCA –> attatched a motor to gramophone
William Paley
got money from cigar market and used it to start CBS (Columbia Broadcast System)
Early Recording Industry: Recording Formats
78 RPMs & 33 1/3 RPMs (long-play records)
Define RIAA
Record Institution Association of America - when you download stuff illegally
Music Business: Big 4 Labels
Sony, BMG, Vivendi/Universal, Warner Bros.
Define PMRC
Parent’s Music Resource Center - created by Tipper Gore
Define Sonny Bono Extension Act of 1988
Change copyright law from life +50 to life +70
Define the Disney Law
aka Home Recording Act (1990) - If you bought music, you can make ONE duplicate
Who is Tesla?
“Father of Radio” - says we need alternating currents
Who is Marconi?
Developed wireless telegraphy - dots and dashes you see in old movies
Who is Crippen?
First individual to be caught by radio
Who is Lee de Fores?
Created the Audion Tube: vacuum tube necessary for radio waves (Voice over airways)
Who is Fessenden?
sent out first radio program on Christmas -> developed alternator
Who is Edwin Armstrong?
Father of FM radio; engineer; worked for RCA and Sarnoff
Who is David Sarnoff?
said he heard Titanic distress signal; CEO; $$
What are the 3 Key factors to radio development?
- Corporations (more ppl working on 1 thing)
- Experimenters (Getting into a lab)
- Gov’t (protecting radio stations)
Who was the first radio station?
KDKA out of Pittsburgh
Who was Edward Admaro?
First modern journalist
Who claimed to hear the Titanic?
RCA - Radio Corporation of America - later turns into what?
Define Toll Broadcasting
AT&T used lines for radio -> companies paid them to use these lines – WJZ (RCA) ultimately used NO lines
What is an O&O?
Owned and operated - independently
How does RCA grow?
HORIZONTAL - by buying smaller networks
What was the issue with ASCAP?
American Society of Composers and Publishers - Licensing - who do you pay to broadcast: author / publisher
1927 Radio Act
established FRC - Federal Radio Commissions
1934 Communications Act
established FCC - Federal Communications Commission - still operates today under Julius Genachowski
1943 NBC trade restraint
NBC has 2 networks: red and blue –> sells blue to ABC
Idea behind “Soap Opera”
advertisers were soap companies
Edward R. Murrow
Radio News - made you feel like you were there during WW2
AM Radio
Amplitude Modulation - “Bounce radio signal” –> bounced off ionosphere
who created FM?
Frequency Modulation - Edwin H. Armstrong
FM Radio
You get best signal when you’re line in sight - STRAIGHT signal path - NO bounce
Broadcast Music Industry
Alan Freed
Moondog - shows idea of a radio DJ’s influence - fired due to payola (DJ plays certain song b/c they’re paid - coins term rock & roll
What is so important about music on the radio?
It was best form of competition against TV