EXAM 4: PowerPoints Flashcards
Babylonian Barkers
Early advertising - people stood on the street corners yelling places
define siquis
pin-up sign at crossroads during Greek & Roman times
who invented the Classifieds?
Benjamin Franklin
Federal Trade Commission -1914 - “Gray Lady of Washington” (originally had no authority) - With amendment they were able to go after false/misleading/deceptive advertising
Who had the first ad in the U.S.?
Volney Palmer
Media buyer; went out and bought ad space –> Advertisers came to him for ad space
F.W. Ayer
Created ads (Storyboards)
Define: In-House agency
they do all production within
Define: Creative Boutiques
just create the general idea (EX, the title or the slogan, etc.
Getting brand name associated with product
ex. kleenex, xerox
Define USP
Unique Selling Propositions: Making your product different
Define Motivational Research
reasons why people buy things
EX. sex, death avoidance,
Define segmenting and positioning
segmentation: making the target group small
Positioning: putting products in people’s minds
AIDA Approach
Attention, Interest, Desire, Action
What’s one major defense of advertising?
ECONOMIES OF SCALE - subsidizes our media
Criticisms of Advertising
conducive to monopolies
AAAA - american association of Advertising Agencies
AAF - American Advertising Federation
BBB - Better Business Bureau
CARU - Childs Advertising Review Unit
Child’s Advertising Review Unit - sub-unit of BBB that “Reviews” children advertising
FTC - Federal Trade Commissions
FCC - Federal Communications Commission
FDA - Food & Drug Administration
BATF - Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearm
Types of Advertisment Regulation
Consent Order - won’t make claim again
Cease and Desist - you most stop claim now
Affirmative Disorder - have to tell of bad things that COULD happen
**Corrective Advertising - MOST SEVERE – part budget goes to saying you’re wrong
2 ways to measure advertising effectiveness
split-run: showing message to diff. groups
Costs per thousands (online media) - to reach a 1,000 individuals, how much do you pay?
Media Research - During superbowl, I buy an ad and you guarantee me rating points
Reach & Frequency
Reach: how many people are going to see the ad
Frequency: # of times it’s played
Define selectivity
is the message reaching my consumers?
Define efficiency (advertising)
of dollars to reach certain people EX. CPM
Define PR
PR is a two way communication system between organization and publics
Who said there’s 472 different definitions of PR?
Rex Harlow
define Integrative Propaganda
You buy into a “GIVEN” then sell the argument
EX. Carbon Footprint (nobody is going to say they’ll destroy the enviornment