sm ruminant surgery Flashcards
pain management
meloxicam 1mg/kg SQ:
one inj 15-30 before, behind the ear
lambs- 0.1ml/2kg
withdrawal 11d
goats-> off label use
lidocaine toxic dose 6mg/kg (less than 1ml in a lamb)
15-30min procedure:
xylazine/ketamine IV-> 30mg (0.3ml) into 50ml ketamine (0.6mg/ml, 100mg/ml)
give at 0.5-1ml/100lb
ketamine alone at 1ml/10kg
medetomidine/torb- 0.01mg/kg, 0.1mg/kg
GA w iso
castration analgesia
oral meloxicam 1mg/kg
0.1ml per 1.5kg (0.25-0.5ml)
castration techniques
banding- before 7d, done by producer
burdizzo- less common, need perfect technique, bloodless
surgical- open ventral scrotum w newberry knife-> dissect out testes/cord-> emasculator if <3m, ligate w suture if older
surgical castration sedation
torb 0.05-0.2mg/kg 5-10min before, lidocaine in cords
post op metacam
remove caudal epididymis
approach on distal scrotum (2 incision)-> leave incision open (high contamination)
remove vas deferens
single incision, better protected, confirmed w histopath
cranial incision-> 5ml lido-> exteriorize cord-> make incision through tunic over vas deferens-> place forcep underneath, follow cranially-> cut free-> close tunic w 3-0 if needed-> repeat on other side
close skin w 2-0 PDS ford interlocking
C section
fetal oversize, failure of dilation
IV anesthesia/sedation w/ local
prep left flank
incision through body wall-> exteriorize uterus-> incise over lamb and remove-> close uterus w inverting pattern and 2-0-> flush-> 2-3 layer closure w 2-0 to 0 suture-> close skin w 0 nylon
post op metacam, abx
tack sutures, crazy glue, clips, conjunctival injection
fracture repair
external fixation only
splint or cast below the carpus or hock (fibreglass)
dog splint work well on sheep-> b/w hock/stifle, carpus/elbow