SLR6 Abstraction and automation Flashcards
“A sequence of steps designed to perform a particular task. May be constructed to describe the operation of a complete system or to describe a particular part of it.”
“A language-independent, syntax-loose representation of computer code. Allows a programmer to lay out the logic and steps of a problem in a code like way without worrying about the specific syntax of any particular language.”
Test data
“Data which has been specifically indemnified for use in testing a computer program.”
“The process of separating ideas from specific instances of those ideas at work. Computational structures are defined by their meanings while hiding away the details of how they work.”
Procedural abstraction
“Provides mechanisms for abstracting well-defined procedures or operations as entities. The implementation of the procedure requires several steps to be performed. A simple example is a debit operation that performs various steps to debit a certain amount from a bank account.”
Functional abstraction
“The result of a procedural abstraction is a procedure, not a function. To get a function requires yet another abstraction, which disregards the particular computation method; this is functional abstraction.”
Data abstraction
“The reduction of a particular body ofdatato a simplified representation of the whole. For example, a stack could be implemented as an array and a pointer for the top of the stack.”
Problem abstraction
“Removing details from a problem until it can be represented in a way that is possible to solve because the problem reduces to one that has already been solved.”
“The process by which a complex problem or system is broken down into parts that are easier to conceive, understand, program and maintain.”
“The process of building a composition abstraction by combining procedures to form new compound procedures.”
“A sequence of steps designed to perform a particular task. May be constructed to describe the operation of a complete system or to describe a particular part of it.”
“A language-independent, syntax-loose representation of computer code. Allows a programmer to lay out the logic and steps of a problem in a code like way without worrying about the specific syntax of any particular language.”
“Data which has been specifically indemnified for use in testing a computer program.”
Test data
“The process of separating ideas from specific instances of those ideas at work. Computational structures are defined by their meanings while hiding away the details of how they work.”
“Provides mechanisms for abstracting well-defined procedures or operations as entities. The implementation of the procedure requires several steps to be performed. A simple example is a debit operation that performs various steps to debit a certain amount from a bank account.”
Procedural abstraction
“The result of a procedural abstraction is a procedure, not a function. To get a function requires yet another abstraction, which disregards the particular computation method; this is functional abstraction.”
Functional abstraction
“The reduction of a particular body ofdatato a simplified representation of the whole. For example, a stack could be implemented as an array and a pointer for the top of the stack.”
Data abstraction
“Removing details from a problem until it can be represented in a way that is possible to solve because the problem reduces to one that has already been solved.”
Problem abstraction
“The process by which a complex problem or system is broken down into parts that are easier to conceive, understand, program and maintain.”
“The process of building a composition abstraction by combining procedures to form new compound procedures.”