Słówka- Nuclear Chemistry Flashcards
transmutacja (przemiana/zmiana)
changing one element to another or one isotope to another
rozpad promieniotworczy
radioactivity (aka radioactive decay)
decomposition of a nucleus to form a different nucleus
rozkład, rozpad
rozkład zwiazku chemicznego/ pierwiastka na czastki
okres polowicznego rozpadu
the time it takes for exactly one half of a radioactive sample to decay
próbka, grupa ludzi (wybranych do udzialu w ankiecie)
promieniowanie jonizujace
ionizing radiation
the release of energy that allows an unstable nucleus to attain a more stable form
rozpad promieniotworczy wystepuje wtedy gdy jadro pierwiastka ma wieksza energie niz jego mozliwy, bardziej stabilny izotop. przewaznie ta roznica energii jest uwalniana w postaci “energii jonizującej”. jest nazwana jonizującą, poniewaz ma wystarczajaco energii aby zabrac lub dodac elektron do innych pierwiastkow tworzac jony
radioactive decay occurs when a nucleus has a higher energy level than a potentialy more stable version. typically this is called ionizing radiation. it’s ionizing because it has enough energy to knock electrons out or add electrons to other atoms, creating ions
rozpad alfa
alpha decay
- too big nuclei
- can be stopped by a sheet of paper or a piece of clothing
- creating a helium nuclei
rozpad beta-
beta- decay
- neutron/proton ratio too big
- can be stopped by aluminum foil or top layers of skin
- creating an electron
- when a neutron becomes a proton and an electron
- creating antineutrino
dozpad beta+
beta+ decay
- when a proton becomes a neutron
- neutron/proton ratio too small
- creating neutrino
- positron is forming
podkreslac, eksponowac
przestrzegac, byc poslusznym, postepowac zgodnie z
rozpad gamma
gamma decay
- creating gamma rays (energy nor particle)
- not changing a nucleus
- from excited to ground state
silne oddzialywanie jadrowe
strong nuclear force/ strong interaction
holds protons and neutrons together
slabe oddzialywanie jadrowe
weak nuclear force/weak interaction
facilitates nuclear decay
ułatwiać, umozliwiac
miec znaczenie, oznaczac, znaczyc
rozdrabniac, rozpadac sie
odchylony w dol, odpierac atak, zalamywac swiatlo, odbijac fale dzwiekowe
zawierac, obejmowac, skladac sie z czegos, tworzyc
posredniczyc, przekazywac, transmitowac
energia wiazania
binding energy
the amount of energy required to remove nucleons from a nucleus
(delta)m-mass defect [theoretical mass-actual mass]
protons and neutrons, the particles that make up the nucleus of an atom
defekt masy
mass defect
the difference between the total mass of individual nucleons in a nucleus and the nucleus as a whole
jak obliczyc defekt masy? (delta)m
how to calculate mass defect?
(delta)m=the sum of the protons and neutrons - mass of the nucleus
rozszczepienie jadra atomu/podzial komorki
one heavy nuclus splitting into two lighter ones
fuzja, polaczenie
two light nuclei joining to form a heavier one
*these reactions release much more energy than fission reactions
samorzutne rozszczepienie jadra atomowego
spontaneous fission
occurs when an atom simply breaks into two smaller atoms without outside help.
*the only substance that does it at a rate thats sufficient to serve any purposes is CALIFORNIUM-254
it decays into xenon-140, ruthenium-108 and 4 neutrons
**and the purpose is to produce neutrons for use in other nuclear reactions
what nuclear decay will happen if there is to many protons?
positron emission (B+) / electron capture
what nuclear decay will happen if there are too many neutrons?
electron emission (B-)
what nuclear decay will happen if the nucleus is too big?
alpha emission/spontaneous fission
what nuclear decay will happen if an atom is in excited state?
gamma ray emission