Slow Gait Flashcards
Demands of Slow Gait
More active swing phase Loss stabilizing influence of arm swing Larger frontal plane excursion COM More variable pattern foot placement Increased dynam instabil- postural muscle synergies work more than locomotor ones Greater muscle effor
Ankle Kinematics
Initial Contact
ankle neutral
-Heel Rocker
Ankle Kinematics
0-10PF eccentric ant tib
Obj: part heel rocker/fwd prog
SLow: flat foot contact- tibia goes back, eliminates heel rocker
Ankle Kinematics
Mid Stance
10PF-5DF eccentric PFs
Obj: prog COM over BOS/ankle rocker
Slow: remains flat foot, no ankle rocker
Ankle Kinematics
Term Stance
5-10DF eccentric PFs
Obj: COM beyond BOS/forefoot rocker
Slow: heel on ground, no rocker
Knee Kinematics
Mid Stance
Obj: COM over BOS, single limb stance stabil
Knee Kinematics
Term Stance
Remiains neutral
Obj: prog COM beyond BOS; extension gets forefoot rocker!
Slow: flexed mid/term stance no forward prog (even if DF present)
Hip Kinematics
Mid Stance
20F-0 Trunk Neutral
Obj: COM over BOS, single stance stabil
Hip Kinematics
Term Stance
0-20E Trunk Neutral
Obj: COM beyond BOS, normal step/stride length
Compensations leading to decreased speed
- Limited rockers contralat side (stop themselves)
- Flat foot contact= decreased heel
- Already DF=decreased ankle rocker- tib goes back
- Contralat heel in contact= decreased forefoot rock
- Forward trunk lean-> GRF in front knee->knee exten moment->limited rockers/fwd prog