Slit Lamp Exam (diseases) Flashcards
the most common lid disease is
what causes blepharitis?
staph bacteria that is normally on skin but builds up
sign of blepharitis is
flakes like dandruff
meibomitis is:
congestion of the meibomian glands from retention and over-production of oils
how do you grade meibomitis?
there are 3 stages and it is related to dry eye
what is trichiasis and what can it causes?
it is interned lashes that can cause foreign body sensation, increased tearing, and scratches that lead to corneal scarring (blindness)
what is a chalazion? what are some possible symptoms and side effects?
non-infectious granuloma from clogging of zeiss or meibomian glands
-should be no pain and possible induced astigmatism if pushing on cornea
what causes a hordeolum “stye”?
staph infection affecting zeiss, moll, and meibomian glands
what is different about a hordeoum versus a chalazion?
hordeolum is acute, painful red, hot and infectious but a hordeolum can turn into a chalazion
types of conjunctiva
- palpebral (underside of eyelid)
- bulbar (white part of eye, on the globe)
what is a pinguecula?
degeneration of elastic tissue, fragmentation of collagen fibers often caused by UV and wind exposure
what is the appearance and signs of pinguecula?
whitish/yellowish elevation that has a nasal/temporal “base in” (wider towards cornea)
what is a pterygium?
a fibroelastic ingrowth that invades into the peripheral cornea at level of Bowman’s layer
what are the signs and results of pterygium?
it can induce astigmatism, it is mostly nasa/temporal, and it can cause drying in adjacent area
what is axenfeld’s loop?
black ciliary nerve loops on scleral surface, benign (no need for documentation in chart)
what is melanosis?
extra melanocytes (pigmentation) -document ABCDEs
what is subconjunctival hemorrhage?
loose blood in the bulbar conjunctival space
from trauma or valsalva maneuver