Slideshow notes Flashcards
When was the seven years war
Why did the seven years war start
Started as a result of France trying to get India and British invaiding NA as a result
When was the battle of plains of Abraham
Which side was Wolfe on
What side was Montaclam on
When was montreal taken over
1760 by Britan
When was the treaty of Paris
What did the treaty of Paris consit of
New france being conceeded to Britan
What happens after Britan gains all of NA
French subjects have to accpet British rule or leave
French people living in Canada
What happened to Acadians after British conqueror
155 defeated french deported to NS, NB, PEI, France or 13 colonies
What implications did France face after seven years war
Massive debt in money and troops and financing the American reolvution leading to the French revolution (1789)
What implications did Britan face after the seven years war
Debt doubled and increased taxes on 13 colonies resulting in American revolution
What caused a pour of imigration to Canada
British loyalists after the American revolution
When was the procolmation act
What was the procolmation act
Large land west of Canada given to FN
Made everything British shrinking the rest of French idenidy
French could practice their culture but it was not protected
Relgion became Protestant
When was the Quebec Act
What was the Quebec Act
Quebec expanded west and french were given back their rights
Can hold office
French law retained
RC churches given tithes and property
What was the point of the Quebec act
To make sure the french did not rebel they gave them rights
When was the constitutional act
What is the constitutional act
When British loyalists moved to Canada, changing the ratio of anglophone to francophone
What was upper Canada
What was lower Canada
Lower/ Upper Canada revolts
Arival of British
English having disease
Durham report
Recomends to merge both Canadas
Make everything after British government
Assimilate French
Remove Quebec act
Go over Royal Proclimation act
When was the confederation created
What was the confederation
Improve economic development
United against US
NS, NB, Quebec, Ontario
When did Manitoba join the confederation
Manitoba Schools Act
No longer separtating Protestant and Catholic
Public and Catholic
Aboriginal self government
An effort to bring attention to culture and affairs.
Under section 35
When was the constiution created
Indian Act
1876 Trying to assimilate first nations
Why are the Inuit special
Since they are not protected by treaties
When was the white vs red paper
White vs red paper
Canadian amendment to reclaim status lost standard of living
When were aboriginals recognized as a distinct culture
Situational Nationalism
People with common intrests as a group to persue their goals
Conscription crisis
People do not want to fight for Britan and many people died
When was a referendum for conscription held
Quiet Revolution
French people were incfluenced to moderize Quebec thanks to the liberal party
Kidnapped two people (reporter, ambastor) 1970 triggered war measures act
What is the war measures act
A sense of lockdown with curfues and armies patrolling streets
Bill 101
Designed to protect French
Made french offical language of Quebec
Soverignty Associaton
Separtist party under Levevque trying to be politically independent
Quebec Referendum
FN said they did not want to join
1980 Quebec brought up the idea
1995 Quebec soverignty with optional assosiation with Canada
Asymetrial Federalism
Federal powers are not the same in each province
Charlottown/ Meech lake accord
Proposed constitutional amendments
Quebec delined
Multicultrualism threatened to turn Quebec into another group
Western Alienation
The perception that western provincess are alienated and the only focus is on central Canada
Is about political identity and power and authority
When was the national Energy Program created
National Energy Program
Trying to increase Canadain owned oil by lowering prices and cheating Alberta by not letting them sell at international standard
Offical policies promoted pluralism
When did multicultrualism become law
Multiple ethnic idealogies within society
Cultrual pluralism
Openess to living with diversity
Trying to assimilate cultures
Reasonable accomodation
Equaltity to make accomidation in ethnic
Forcing minority groups out of the picture
Division of a region into smaller ones all hostile to one another